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Posts posted by Chester86

  1. 2 minutes ago, Hagar said:

    Ever time I see her name I’m reminded of a line from the movie Next of Kin - the bad guy said, That’s too bad, to which Swayze replied, You ain’t seen bad yet, but it’s coming.  🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

    One of the BEST movies ever made!!!  My name is Briar Gates and I’m here for the man that killed my brother.  They named my grandson Briar and I asked if it was for Next of Kin.

  2. The




    Sadly, there is no outrage.  The Democrats are more worried about cancelling Pepe Le’Pew, and erasing history.  There is more concern about a $1,400 check than millions being sent to countries for frivolous studies (knowing that most of that money goes to “administrative” fees).  The media does a great job of pushing propaganda that keeps attention focused on things that are non-items.  Man I could go on forever on this.


  3. 18 hours ago, Chester86 said:

    One thing he is doing is raising gas prices.  He has that down and perfected the formula.

    This is the hidden content, please

    I’m so sorry, I forgot that I’m supposed to be enamored and glued to the MSM propaganda machine.  I should be worried about the $1,400 gub’ment check and not all the pork added to it.  I should be glued to the congressional lawsuits and investigation into Jan 6th.  I should be sitting here reading all of the editorials and articles about how stupid we and our governor are for forsaking government mask mandates.  I’ll go back to the hypnotic state commanding me to think like a lemming and accept government over-reach.  I know that is what some of the left-wing protagonist will say - oh, and don’t forget it’s all Trump’s fault too.  He’s so mean!  I don’t know how you tie him into it, but the left knows.

  4.     I went to get my DL renewed and a lady in a Darth Vader suit comes outside.  She asks me 15 questions and takes my temperature.  One at a time they “allow” us in as they sit behind protective plastic “force-fields”.  The same thing happens when I go to get my tags.  Yet as a first responder we don’t have this “luxury”.  You call 911 we simply come out and handle business.  I never once wore a mask.  
       Life is a risk.  Every time you drive your life is hinging on a 6” center stripe dividing you and opposing traffic.  If you feel safer wearing a mask - by all means continue wearing it to your hearts content.  When my son had cancer and we made weekly, sometimes daily trips to MD Anderson those that were in serious immune-system jeopardy wore masks.  You could tell who they were and tried to keep a safe distance - but not everyone wore one.  The “outrage” at this confuses me.  Every time we go to the store, probably 30% don’t wear a mask, 40% don’t wear one properly (rendering it useless), and 30% wear one.  To each his own.

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