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Everything posted by Chester86

  1. The winner of the insurance wars is the insurance companies. Me - pays home, auto, health, vision and dental (rarely using anything but the occasional doctor appointment for the wife or kids) Insurance Companies - Thank you for your monthly contribution Me - Hey I need to make a claim (Auto or home policy) Insurance - A). Ummm, that’s not covered by this policy, or Gladly, but your rate will be raised exponentially.
  2. Those that are concerned can still wear their masks. Those that are concerned can still social distance. Those that are concerned can wear a hepa-filter on a Vietnam-era gas-mask......I do not care, just not going to wear one. I do agree though this should have been done from the beginning, but lemming-mentality took hold.
  3. I never did, and never plan on it. If someone wants to that is their choice and I have no problem with them.
  4. William Wallace - in defiance as he is being tortured by the Woke Left - FREEEEEEEDOM!!!
  5. Johnny Paycheck - Take this mask and shove it!
  6. No more snot-nosed kid with their mask well below their nose at the front of a store saying “Sir you’ll have to put a mask on to come in here!”
  7. March 10 Texans gain their freedoms back. Mask Free Day!!!! [Hidden Content]
  8. Come on Governor! All I can say is I am ready (but I never wore one to begin with). [Hidden Content]
  9. Remember the Alamo! Remember Goliad! God bless Texas!
  10. Hmmm, singling out small towns I see. I worship no one but the Lord Almighty. I do not fly a Trump flag and do not have a Trump bumper sticker. But I’ll tell you I voted for him twice and would vote for him again if the choice were either Hillary or Joe. America first verses America Last - give me Trump every day. Small town USA still believe in God, Family and Country! A golden statue of a man is sac-religious. This country is turning as far away from God as possible and we WILL pay the consequences. The media wants you to focus on BML, anthem-kneeling, cop-hating, and all the phobias they have invented to keep you preoccupied and away from the government as they legislate morality away. But hey, I’m just a right-wing whacko from a “small-town” with a Christian / biblical view so what do I know.
  11. They are probably plotting somewhere right now to tear down his statue because he was “mean” to the Phillipino community.
  12. Anyone know what the schedule looks like for tomorrow?
  13. Amen sir and may God bless his ministry. Service to the Lord is the greatest thing in life.
  14. I am curious if you can find at least one thing positive to say about the “other side”. Hopefully this will not only be back-handed compliments and denigration. I’ll start off saying that I don’t really consider myself to be either a Republican or a Democrat; I loathe the self-serving life-long politicians on both sides. But I would say my views align more with the Republican side. Minus the problems inherent with the bureaucracy associated with it I respect the attempt to provide for the less fortunate from the Democrats. Jesus said for us to feed the hungry, provide shelter and clothe those in need (Matthew 25, 31-40).
  15. Pretty interesting article that speaks common sense. [Hidden Content]
  16. In 1993 we were living in Marshall, Tx and had just gotten out of the military. I was in the police academy but had to go every day to Texarkana. We had no money so my wife would pack me a sandwich and some chips for lunch. I would go and sit out in my truck and listen to him every day while I ate. Good times and seems just like yesterday.
  17. With all the negativity, the bickering, partisanship, weather phenomenon, sickness and everything else having free rent in our life right now - we could all use some positivity. I saw this and just couldn’t stop smiling - bless this young man. Enjoy!!! [Hidden Content]
  18. Here is something from liberal school leaders in New York. This is being taught to brainwash children, and is nothing but horse hockey. I’m glad we home-schooled our boys.
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