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Everything posted by Chester86

  1. Can we survive 4 more years of these press briefings?
  2. “As a Catholic I don’t hate”......anyone but unborn babies? Seems logical......I guess.
  3. Montana - 4th state to lift mask mandate.......come on Texas!!!! [Hidden Content]
  4. Sadly, the greatest generation is one they want to put out of memory. The sacrifices for country, the hardships endured (just to be American), the lessons learned from being children of the Great Depression.....well those aren’t qualities that are now desired. The government wants mindless followers - not free thinkers. The government wants people who have hands out - not those willing to roll sleeves up. We will NEVER be able to repay that generation for what they went through.
  5. This is what I have a majorly issue with as far as our representatives in Congress go. How does this further our interests abroad? How does this strengthen America? This is not feeding or clothing the less fortunate, and this is not a small amount of money. What infrastructure programs could be funded with this money? This should never be approved!
  6. General Payton was once quoted as saying, “Lead me, Follow me or get the hell out of my way!” Sadly Washington does not do a lot of leading, I’m sure not following and they just need to get the hell out of the way. I’m tired of millions (if not billions) going overseas for frivolous studies, support of regimes that are contrary to American interests. I’m tired of our roads, parks and general infrastructure crumbling. Our military strength shrinking and our military service members and veterans not being compensated. Our borders being porous and our border agents having their hands tied. Our unity and melting pot being pitted against each other for political gains. Lastly nastiness, general depravity and agendas pushed contrary to American values. I’m not even getting into the evil woes of abortion, lack of respect for law enforcement. America first! UNITED States! Pride in country, pride in our flag! We need to pray and we need to get our priorities straight.
  7. If Chest Milk is the new breast milk, what else will be renamed? Baby batter - seperson (can’t say semen - that’s sexist) Menopause - Sexist - Sexonpause
  8. Excellent video! I’m a straight to the point kind of guy and that shows how all of this is smoke and mirrors. The indisputable facts don’t change and he quickly laid them out in a 1 minute video.
  9. The institutes of higher learning have lost their dang mind! [Hidden Content]
  10. Police sirens ring in the back-ground - getting ever closer......
  11. I was as I had read an article recently where he was posturing for a gubernatorial run.
  12. It will all depend on who runs against him. If it is who I think it will be the decision will be easy - Vote Abbot. That way “Hell yea we’re coming for your guns” burglar can remain out of office.
  13. I am ready for our state to jump on this train and get it moving nationally. This bold governor is leading and removes the restriction of wearing masks and restrictions on public gatherings. It is time. There are inherent risks every time you go out. If you know them and still choose to go out you are accepting that you are mature enough to make them. You do not need Uncle Sam involved in “keeping you safe” by mandating masks - and in some cases double masks; with the majority worn below the nose or in some similar bizarre way. Now if you want to wear one - have at it, but if you don’t run free!!!!! [Hidden Content]
  14. A very rare shining light in Congress with an amazing speech.
  15. Plans to make social distancing and mask-wearing permanent items in America.
  16. I’ll brag on Biden and his staff. (Cracks knuckles, stretches neck from side to side and hits keyboard); Biden’s trillion dollar stimulus package is working. He has successfully continued to raise gas prices at the pump giving us poor peasants a great place to spend our “stimulus” money. Create a problem (higher gas prices) and provide a solution (stimulus money).
  17. I can’t tell you how many times my life has been threatened and NEVER ONCE did I have a “Made for TV” breakdown.
  18. I could go to Wal-Mart and buy almost any CD of the rap/hip-hop genre and that word will be featured repeatedly. For a man to lose his livelihood over saying a word is amazing.
  19. If you need a good laugh - watch this? This from a lady that was banned from Israel because of her polarizing views takes offense to being threatened. May I freely state that death threats are wrong, but positions like this mean you should expect such things.
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