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Posts posted by Chester86

  1. Man I read an article today about a student in Iowa that gave a professor a “what for” over gender terms.  This all happened before the person (I couldn’t tell from the picture if it was a he or she) even stepped foot in class.  The article was about the overwhelming support for he/she championing their cause.  I also read another article about something similar and this was reading the news in 1 morning.  Two stories gathered from across the nation force-fed to the masses to push an agenda.

  2. Not to be rude but I really could care less.  I personally think he was a good president but he is now out of office.  I wish him the best, I think it’s a bunch of hooey.  He basically hurt a lot of people’s feelings, wrecked shop for the Washington DC elitists and because of that they have an axe to grind.  The sad thing is the normal American could care less about what happens In DC.  Leave me alone, keep taxes low and let me go about my business.  

  3. The story said that by April of this year, Wal-Mart could be self check-out only.  So, shop for your groceries, scan your groceries and pay for your groceries.  I stopped going about a year ago when my local Wal-Mart didn’t have a check-out person.  You can’t get down the aisles, they’re rude and that was simply the last straw.  Brookshires is more expensive, but they are friendly and they have checkers.  I know most of you youngsters like all the fancy delivery and load-n-go options, but shopping used to be where you’d see old friends, catch up with people.

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  4. 3 hours ago, Hagar said:

    When the used batteries from these electric cars start piling up & get dumped in lakes, rivers, and oceans, they’ll be begging for the internal combustion engine.   Not many things as full of pollution as a big battery.   

    I can see them by 2035 saying, “My goodness, what have we done”.   

    But we’ll be saying it in Chinese.

  5. 3 hours ago, BS Wildcats said:

    It’s amazing how they scoffed at Trump when he said that a vaccine would be available at the end of last year.  They proved for four years they were a do nothing party.  Their sole intent for over four years was to get rid of Trump.  I think in four years, we get to put Trump back in to dig us out of a Democrat drilled hole.

    Watch it now, you’ll have a few posters on here having aneurisms at the mere thought.

  6. I’m not sure how this is supposed to work, maybe one of the left-wing protagonist can tell me if I’m doing this right.  But left-wing MSM Yahoo reports that after the inauguration 5,000 troops sent to protect and work the inauguration were sent to a parking garage to house themselves.  Before the inauguration they were provided adequate barracks facility, but the day after were banished to a parking garage to share 2 bathrooms and 1 electrical outlet.  A sign of things to come.  Maybe the president was trying to teach UNITY.

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  7. 4 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

    All kidding aside, my kid just texted me... He's been working down in Port Lavaca (weld inspector) and the customer just cut them way back.  Perdiem ends on 2/1/21.  He's headed home. Welcome to Biden's America.

    So your family can have more unity?  Hope he can find something, I have a son struggling to find one.

  8. Unity - Unity - Unity!!!!!!  We finally have it, across the nation.  

    Tim McGraw and Florida Georgia Line - Undivided

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    Here’s the chorus:

    Yup, you either go to church or you're gonna go to Hell / Get a job and work or you're gonna go to jail / I just kinda wish we didn't think like that / Why's it gotta be all white or all black / And when we gonna learn to try on someone's shoes sometimes (That's right) / When we gonna start to see from someone else's eyes.

    A bunch of hooey!!!!!!!!

    Let’s eliminate right and wrong.  Let’s eliminate good and bad.  Heck, the song mentions God - shouldn’t that shock, anger and dismay the left?  Where these artists singing about unity during ALL of the riots over the last year?  

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