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Everything posted by Chester86

  1. InMAGAwetrust = Instigator and left-wing protagonist spewing nonsense.
  2. If we really wanted to cut spending, how about the majority of spending going to America. We can improve roads, bridges, parks - all of which would put Americans to work. We could then stop sending obscene amounts to overseas countries for incubation of anti-American hatred. However, with Biden’s stated objective of opening up the borders we will just continue to invite those in which hate us.
  3. I wish him a healthy 4 years because I don’t want the alternative “president”. I seriously hope he does a great job, but I will be very skeptical and not optimistic. This skepticism based on his body of evidence and his stated objectives.
  4. It did always amaze me that union organizations would push a straight-ticket Democratic platform. This, as they pushed most everything our local union stood against. When Hussein had his campaign against law enforcement, national law enforcement union mail-outs pushed the Hussein-Biden ticket.
  5. Hypocrisy and poppycock; but go on believing that if you wish.
  6. No way near a baby boomer. The only thing I really had an issue was the lack of Obama (at the very top) and disregarding the wisdom of an entire generation. I don’t really consider myself a part of either party; have a healthy dislike for both sides.
  7. I don’t really pay much attention to your posts, although I read them. Your sole purpose is to instigate and be a left-wing protagonist, but that list is laughable. To ignore the shortcomings and not have Obama at the top of that list just proves it. Now, to your point, yes to term limits but no thanks for age limits. The elderly have a lot to teach and show us and to exclude them, solely based on age is not something I’d be interested in.
  8. I just realized what his song “Friends in Low Places” is all about. Never been a big fan and he definitely joined the Dixie Chicks in my books of people I won’t listen too. [Hidden Content]
  9. Colmesneil HS and the Lady Bulldogs lost their winningest and long-time coach passing away Sunday morning. I searched everywhere for the obituary and tried to find his career record but could not locate it. He was also the past head football coach and had a 50-40 record for the Bulldogs. He was a fixture in the community and the new gymnasium is named after him. He was 96 years old when he passed away in Nacogdoches. Best wishes to the family and the community.
  10. Just signed up for their app...I mean if CNN says it’s bad - it MUST be great!!!
  11. Free healthcare for all (you can even keep your doctors), no homelessness, no need for a military - just give us all your guns. I mean, you won’t need them with the government protecting you - surely they know what’s best. We need vaccinations for heart attacks, strokes, common cold and anything else that might be scary. I’m no fool, no siree- I’m gonna live to be 103.
  12. Isn’t it a shame that we stand in the way of their great utopia? If only we’d climb aboard the crazy train of free for all, higher minimum wage, accepting those that declare hatred for us and on and on we’d all be drinking that free bubble-up and eating rainbow stew. So mask up, give your pay-check up to the government and they will tell us what’s best for us.
  13. What attempt would that be? I went to Roy Guess, Austin and French.....I actually do think a multi-purpose gym would be smart. There is plenty of room next to Veteran’s Memorial stadium.
  14. Build a new dome, and think about how much fun there will be had by all with the naming.
  15. All the sudden the common flu will make a grand appearance.
  16. This!!!!!!! Concise, to the point and extremely accurate!!!!
  17. What a bunch of HOOEY!!!
  18. Some people have a very high opinion of themselves. The narcissism runs strong with this one. And on a side note, a bakery who is owned by one person, seeks payments for their services and then refuses to serve someone is vastly different than a publicly traded company who is open to everyone, doesn’t charge and then singles out someone and bans them because of peer pressure.
  19. To tell you the truth, I don’t really care what they say. Having all the answers and all the moral high-ground must be exhausting. Me personally, I struggle to be a good husband, dad, employee and just do the best I can on a daily basis. Washington is not on my mind other than when they force it on us every two years at election time. I cast my vote and it’s time to move on. Socialism, anti-Christian views, higher taxes, encouraged hatred of law-enforcement and loosening of morals seem to be what the country wants. I’m sick of the pompous attitudes the politicians have. I’m sick of the double standards and I’m definitely tired of the condescension being cast toward anyone who has a divergent view point. I used to type up replies, then re-read them 3-4 times before I posted worrying and ensuring there wasn’t anything too controversial.....well not anymore.
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