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Posts posted by Chester86

  1. This is my only social media.  I like it that way, and sometimes wish I could avoid the political section.  It’s just really interesting to me to see divergent view points.  I am still amazed that I am considered “far right”.  I wish Biden / Harris nothing but success.  America though, and politicians in particular are speeding toward the complete opposite end of the spectrum from me.  I want to be left alone, lower taxes, fewer governmental interferences in my life, 2A and religious liberties.  I am pro-American, a veteran and served the people for over 32 years.  Work for what you get and I want hand-outs restricted (because I’m the one paying for it).  Almost everything I listed is considered pure abomination by the Democrats.  There are so many on here who have all the answers and the name calling serves no purpose.  I gave Obama a chance (voted against him twice) and he lived up and surpassed my reservations I had about him.  

  2. 45 minutes ago, underarmor said:

    After 4 and a half years of democrats saying Trump is not a legit president and standing in the way of everything he wanted to do, and calling him racist and other vulgar terms you still put the stimulus money in your pockets didnt you. Why didnt you send it back if you hate him so much. He should not only tell them to kiss his a-- on the way out he should drop his pants and give them the big moom. He owes all of us nothing, he tried to drain that cesspool in DC that nobody wants to uncover. Corruption beyond belief. I look forward to the posting of dems when gas is above 3$and taxes are higher and your energy grid is in trouble. You drag racers will love the whir of the engines.😀😀😀😀

    RESIST has a new meaning back at ya

    Cue the anti-Trump haters in 




  3. 15 minutes ago, 5GallonBucket said:

    There is numerous reasons but the one that sums it all up is society is falling more and more away from God. As each year passes less people even attend church regularly.

    Family structure 

    family environment 

    in Philippians Paul says to be of one accord, one mind......


    And due to that people have elected such people to positions who are worldly(judges, Congress, senators and down to state and local govt.)



    Amen!!!!  Great post.

  4. A truly sad day.  The checks and balances have been taken away.  The liberals have seized control of the Senate, the House, the presidency and they already have control of the Supreme Court.  They now have free run to pass laws, appoint judges and set up more anti-Christian platforms.  BLM and Antifa have carte-blanche with a ready-made host.  Anti-Cop rhetoric will be even worse (if that’s possible) under this trifecta of criminally-sympathetic “politicians”.  I’m glad I live where I live because we will just duck and cover.  The gloom being felt across half the country is palpable.  The only bright spot that we must cling to is the battle has been won.  God sits on the throne and we are only strangers in this life passing through.

  5. Government over-reach seeing how far they can go to take away your liberties.  There was never a need to shut down the country.  There was never a need to shut down small businesses.  There was never a need to mandate wearing a mask.  Funny how all of that played into the hands of the Democratic Party.  However, the majority of the country just rolled over and “accepted” restrictions and infringed liberties.  The government now knows how far they can push and what will be force-fed to the masses.  

  6. 3 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

     People sometimes ask "I wonder why the Germans went along with Hitler?"  From now on I'll talk about the Trump voters in 2020. 

    Trump is no savior!  Trump is no hero to me, and I do not fly a Trump flag.  Regardless of what you think of the man, and it is plainly obvious for all to see, he has done a pretty good job.  I’ve stated numerous times before I’d vote every day and twice on Sunday (like a democrat) when the choice is Hillary OR Biden.  But to label me a Nazi - who was responsible for the mass murder of countless number of Jews we have a problem.  That was completely unacceptable - no matter how you try to spin it, justify or rationalize in your mind.  I have served my country, served oversees during war-time and been a beat-cop for almost thirty years.  You were wrong!

  7. >. Voter ID laws - (screams from the left ring out) - DISENFRANCHISED!!!!

    >.  2016 Hillary loses after allegedly winning the popular vote (screams from the left ring out) - DISENFRANCHISED

    >. 2020 Biden wins amidst a cloud of suspected and alleged impropriety - (Questions raised from over half the country) - DISENFR........(Screams from the left ring out mid-statement) - SHUT UP, NO ONE CARES!!!!!

    What is the phrase they use every time a hurricane is about to hit?  Well that phrase applies for the next four years - “Hunker down!!!!”  It’s going to be rough, but we’ll get through it - we always do.


  8. Regardless of what you think of the man, it is still an easy choice whether the candidate be Hillary or Biden.  If your hatred for a man blinds you to that fact then so be it.  We are in for a very rough four years.  The last four years - not too bad.  My 457 went up substantially, the country did very well and things were looking up until C-19.  That hoax was pushed by the MSM and several factions decided to take up arms and manipulate common decency and boom Biden sneaks in.  Yes Trump is arrogant.  Yes Trump Tweets dumb stuff.  Yes Trump isn’t a politician, but electing politicians has done nothing.  I am not sure I’ll ever vote again for a national election - what is the purpose?  

  9. How does this not have 9 pages of replies?  I’m still stewing over that video.  That lady is spewing pure hatred, bigotry and prejudice and nothing?  The mentality along with the Texas state representative that authored the bill to repeal the Castle Doctrine should be the extreme left-wing views that all of society gasps at.

  10. This is truly amazing, and sadly the attitude of many of the democrats.  Had a republican assistant to the assistant janitor of the smallest city council in the nation said this in reverse it would still be covered on all major news outlets.  Whatever happened to the phrase “agree to disagree”?  The melting pot of America is bubbling over and one major incident is going to cause something catastrophic and fracture lines.  I remember when Trump was elected and all the celebrities stated they were leaving the country and the news media had panic attacks and mental breakdowns on screen.  What this lady said - for all to see mind you - is not right.  People better get back in church and start praying because we are about to enter some dark days in our country.

  11. It’s funny - I heard them talking about cities being in the “purple zone” in California.  I have no idea what it meant, but it sounds like straight out of “Hunger Games”.  It’s like a movie, and a bad movie to boot.  So I refuse to take a vaccine and you are hypothetically non-insurable? So I refuse to take a vaccine and hypothetically you are unable to shop at a store because you can’t produce vaccine verification?  I’ve had it and was sick for a week with really bad flu symptoms.  Like “Demolition Man” - I guess I’ll be part of the underground eating rat-burgers.  

  12. BlueDove, I do not know you and we have never talked.  If Biden wins the election I wish him and his cabinet nothing but the best.  I will pray for him and his cabinet.  I will do my best to support his administration and the policies they set forth.  However, the second he sets about attempting to infringe upon my rights as a free citizen I will do everything within my power to peacefully resist.  As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.  I still hold out hope that the election will turn but that hope gets slimmer with every passing day.  All I know is God is in control and everything works according to His perfect plan.

  13. 3 hours ago, Hagar said:

    Rock - Temptations, Beach Boys, Four Tops, Beatles (prior to Yellow Submarine), Four Seasons, Everly Brothers

    Crossover - John Denver, Roy Orbison, Mac Davis, Patsy Cline

    Country - George Straight, Alan Jackson, Willie Nelson, Luke Bryan, Ronnie Milsap, Johnny Horton, Merle Haggard, Reba McEntire

    I really liked you til you said Luke Bryan.  (Forehead slap)....he’s horrible.

  14. 11 hours ago, NetCat said:

    I think the board needs a new topic.

    So, if you could only listen to 10 bands for the rest of your life who would it be? This includes work they have done with others. 

    Here's mine

    1. The Grateful Dead

    2. Led Zeppelin 

    3. Eric Clapton

    4. Jimi Hendrix

    5. Pink Floyd

    6. Muddy Waters

    7. Howlin Wolf

    8. The Beatles

    9. Carlos Santana

    10. Bob Dylan

    1.  Eagles

    2.  Foreigner

    3.  Gap Band

    4.  Ernie Haase & Signature Sound

    5.  George Strait & The Ace in the Hole Band

    6.  Asleep at the Wheel

    7.  Bob Wills & The Texas Playboys

    8.  Sons of the Pioneers

    9.  Beatles

    10.  Joey Greer Band (Gotta give my nephew a plug)

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