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Everything posted by Chester86

  1. Was told that Buckholts cancelled the game. Not sure what the circumstances were - but I’ll count that as a Yellowjacket win!
  2. How ‘bout them ‘Jackets with the nice homecoming win. Great job boys.
  3. Wife has officiated for Diboll a couple matches this year and she said the Lady Lumberjacks are very good.
  4. SETX Fan earlier post: ”Stevenash, I have specialized training and decades of experience in forensic psychology and have seen some of the worst people in this world.” You would think someone with an advanced degree would not have such prejudicial views toward an entire profession. Having worked the streets, primarily in minority areas, for the past 28 years I can tell you (for a fact) that your assumptions are categorically false. It’s easy to want to take it personally and fire back with sarcasm and vitriol but it would do no good. I truly find it sad when someone is so entrenched in their views they cannot see alternative viewpoints. Best of luck to you and keep searching for Utopia. We shall only see it after the Lord comes and takes His people home.
  5. When I graduated we had 19, but we have years where they graduate 5 now. Beautiful land, but kids graduate and you have to go elsewhere to make money. When you retire you move back. It was funny but when my boys were at Evadale there were 4 boys who’s dads graduated from Chester.
  6. Chester, Texas - Population 305. We do the best we can with what we have. Some years are better than others.
  7. I can say what I said last election - Trump v. Biden as was Trump v. Clinton and the choice is clear. The selection is not even difficult, Trump is the lesser of two evils.
  8. I tend to agree with you. I have no problem with him having strong beliefs. I have no problem with him expressing his beliefs wherever he wanted to - except at work. The NFL should be a reprieve from life’s stress, politics and daily grind. The previous sentence is what ruined ESPN. My job strictly prohibits us from protesting, striking and espousing political views while on duty. Having people with differing views, backgrounds and cultures is what makes OUR country great.
  9. Said it in another post I was really looking forward to watching the NFL this year. It was going to be my first year back since the bench QB started kneeling. I am still planning on giving them a shot the 1st game, but if half of what I’m reading is true - they’ve lost me for the rest of my life. The media does a great job of dividing the country and keeping racial tension high.
  10. So the governor just mandated ALL to wear a face mask if you are in a county with over 20 cases. Failure to follow results in citations, with a fine of up to $250. My question is who is going to enforce this? Will all of these citations be dismissed like all of the “stay at home” citations? This just amazes me. I’m glad I live in the middle of the woods.
  11. My tiny salary won’t make a dent, but I’ll choose to shop elsewhere. We can shop in Jasper County for the time being. I look at it as a knee-jerk, lemming, follow the leader order; “well if Harris County does we must follow suit.” No thanks.
  12. Eloquently stated and so very true!!!
  13. What a true blessing. This is my only social media - so thanks for sharing. I had someone yesterday pay for my meal and wrote the sweetest note on the receipt. They basically said the same thing, “We’re praying for you, and y’all are appreciated.”
  14. I was really looking forward to watching the NFL this season. A respite from politics, stress, strife and the daily grind is what we need. All of the coaches and players are already talking about the protests they have planned for the season. It looks like I might get to watch one game - and see how much it is inundated with something other than sports. I can’t protest on my job and “stick it to the man”, but I don’t make millions to play sports. I used to really enjoy ESPN and Sportscenter before MSM talking points took the place of sports. We shall see, and perhaps I’m in the minority with my stance.
  15. Detroit defunded the police and OCP instituted the Robocop program. I don’t care who you are but I wouldn’t buy that for a dollar. (Movie reference - sorry)
  16. Systemic racism - a phrase that is used every day on the news. In a condensed definition it means racism that is part of a system that is both taught, implied and repeated. By watching everything that is going on and all the angles covered by the news reporters one might think that all law enforcement suffers from this “systemic racism.” Does an entire system suffer from this, do a large majority of police officers, sheriff’s deputies, state troopers all subscribe to this? My family has a long and storied history in law enforcement. My great grandfather was killed as a Beaumont Police Officer in 1925. My dad was an officer for Beaumont PD in the 70’s during the tumultuous times after Vietnam. My uncle served on the force during the 70’s. I served for over 27 years, with the last 23 for Beaumont PD - the final 15 as a supervisor. My brother and two of my sons still serve with the Beaumont Police Department. I say all this to show that I have literally been raised in the culture of Beaumont PD. If anyone should have inside knowledge of the system aspect of systemic racism - surely I can shed some light on it. One day in the late 70’s my dad told mom that she needed to bring me to the station. I pestered the fire out of him asking what was going on and he wouldn’t budge. Mom loaded my sister and I up in the station wagon and drove us downtown. As we got out of the car at the library and walked across the street to the department I saw my dad. As a boy around ten my dad was still (and always was) my hero. There were numerous people around the front steps and tv cameras everywhere. About this time I saw one of my other heroes, and the reason dad wanted me there. As I ran toward Tony Dorsett someone yelled “Cut - who is this kid?” Tony was there in the late 70’s to film a recruiting commercial to try and attract more minorities into the department. This was over 40+ years ago and Beaumont PD was attempting to bring more diversity into the department. Systemic racism at play? When I started law enforcement in 1993, I came out of four years in the military. Every two years every officer was required to have on-going and continuing training. This is a state-wide mandate, and certain courses are required to continue working as an active officer. Every two year cycle for close to twenty years was a course in cultural sensitivity. Racism, cultural generalizations, stereotypes and a host of other racially sensitive issues were talked about and explored. Systemic racism taught at the academy? What is it that has everyone up in arms around the country? Are the police seriously racist at heart? Could it be that a nation-wide scare of plague-caliber illness, unemployment and a host of other unassociated items have been a festering keg of dynamite that was ignited by a video? Look you’ll not get me to side with the Minneapolis officer. My personal opinion is that even if he had resisted you get them up as soon as you can. If that officer lost control and it happens, a partner should have stepped in and taken control. This officer should be afforded due process. If it is proven what everyone assumes then he’ll pay the price the law mandates. There is no vast conspiracy against minorities. Let me leave you with this, I worked every day that I was on the streets in a majority minority area of town. I have experienced and been on almost every type of call imaginable. I have seen many things I’ll never be able to unsee, but I never lost my faith. I always tried to treat every call like it was my family on the other end of the phone. Have I seen bad officers with bad hearts - yes. But interestingly enough those officers didn’t seem to make it long. We are out there every day doing the best job we can. Systemic racism might exist somewhere but it doesn’t exist at BPD. This coming from a man raised in the culture and that worked his entire career for a department that is out there for you.
  17. I apologize for the length of the following post. I typed it on my phone and I could not figure out how to change the font size. Perhaps there will be many that will disagree with me, and I have read every post on recent threads. I thought some might enjoy getting a perspective from a “street cop.” My wife has discouraged me from posting it but the constant barrage of “cops are evil!!” coming from the MSM led me to give a divergent viewpoint.
  18. Why not Mike Pence? Very principled and straightforward and he would have 8 years of foreign relations.
  19. Has this virus influenced anyone to buy American? We are building a house and we have actively sought items built in America. We look at it as our small part in putting Americans to work and stimulating our economy. If it says “Made in China” we simply keep looking. When you shop at any of your big box stores the appliances have big red, white and blue stickers that say “Made in the USA”. The American made items, so far, have not been any more expensive than the other brands.
  20. This occurred February 23rd, I’m actually surprised it took this long for someone to start a thread. The LeBron James tweet was something else; I didn’t agree at all with his thoughts.
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