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Everything posted by Chester86

  1. Congrats Hawks! In the playoffs, and who knows what can happen.
  2. Spurger lost in 3, not sure of the scores. Congrats on a great season Lady Pirates.
  3. Just got word the Lady ‘Jackets are up 2 sets to none. Finish strong Chester!!!!
  4. Looks like a great game, congrats Lady Oilers.
  5. I think this game is Tuesday. Official I know has it listed as tomorrow.
  6. Not sure, my boys have all graduated. Hopefully some one will update us, but I’m thinking he’s still out.
  7. Any thoughts on this game? I know they’ve gotten a little chippy over the last several years. It will be homecoming for the Rebels. Saturday is the big parade, and I’m hearing the pre-K duchess has a fantastic float. If you’ve never been to a Rebel Homecoming parade you’re missing out - they really go all out on every float.
  8. The “Whac” is really having a pretty good season. Happy to see them competing and winning some games. Have some friends that live in that community and a good football team always brings renewed school and community pride.
  9. Rebel 85 Fan - old man....did it happen? I thought this game might be a little closer, but felt Evadale would win. One of the bigger football prognosticators said Burkeville would win in a blowout - Come On Man.
  10. Heard the lights went out at the stadium.
  11. Colmesneil wins in 3, third set Lady Bulldogs 25 - 7.
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