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Everything posted by Chester86

  1. However, I would be VERY shocked if there was an upset tonight.
  2. No offense, and this may be the only time in my life I say it, but “Go Bobcats!”
  3. Not good - you’d think that would be something confirmed ahead of time. I have a whistle, a yellow & red card, a yellow flag and a ball/strike clicker and en route.
  4. Interesting - someone clue us in. My son’s senior year my diminutive wife was tossed from Oiler gym, so I know that place can get heated.
  5. Come on boys, finish strong. Let’s go Rebs.
  6. I predict 25-2A comes down between Big Sandy and Evadale. Really excited to see what Coach Luna can do at Evadale. Coach Williams set the bar high with a consistent program that competes year in and year out. Big Sandy will garner most of the recognition and rightly so being the defending state champions. Coach Hooker will have those boys ready. The Rebels have a tough schedule ahead facing almost every classification and teams from multiple states. Best of luck to all the teams hitting the field, chasing that dream and competing for the ‘ship. It is my favorite time of year.
  7. Man - so much I want to say on this but i’m afraid my views are too old-fashioned. Basically, there were very MINIMAL consequences, and they just set a precedence. We wonder why no one wants to get into the referee business - look no farther.
  8. 21 seconds left, WH has a 1 point lead and the ball.
  9. Tech on WH’s coach long overdue. The dudes been out of control.
  10. 3rd quarter score: WH - 37 Evadale - 44 Getting pretty chippy.
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