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Everything posted by knows2much

  1. Kountze was not impressive in any way, shape, or fashion.  They have good numbers, but they have no chance at all in district competition.  And Evadale looked horrible.  They looked extremely out of shape, and, only had about 20ish or so kids... ?..  Looks like Evadale is coming to the end of their run.  But, they will go 10-0 this year I'm sure.  Because they have absolutely nobody on the schedule.  And then will get destroyed in a playoff game.  But what do ya do?..  Personally I wish I would have stayed home because neither Kountze nor Evadale impressed me.
  2. Job was offered to who?
  3. 1st of all...Hardin has a guy on the coaching staff (Coach Scott) that played football at Hardin and then played D1.  And so did his brother... and there have been others.  If you think that the best player in Hardin's history is who you just said then that is a joke.  You must have not been around very long. 2nd of all...Coach Haynes may have had 1 losing season ever (which I don't know is entirely true) , but if he stays at Hardin that number is gonna go up lol.  If he is such a great coach how many games will he win next year.  (if he ends up not finding a job) Go ahead...you call it.
  4. You are absolutely right horndawg...his priority is and should be the football program. You are also right speechless.  Larry Bird is an accomplished pro and probably didn't go thru any offseason weight workouts.  But.  What I'm saying is that success [u][b]CAN[/b][/u] be had with football players having to lift weights during even their own basketball season.  If we were trying to spit out state titles and future college/pro bballers then I would suggest focusing the attention on specific bball weight training and skill work.  But we're not.  I'm talking about "success" or the possibility of it.  Football workouts will not be the reason of a good or bad year for HF.  JUST LIKE LARRY BIRD...those kids need to spend a little more time on their own if they really want it.  They may not be nba bound, but they can spend extra time on it just the same.  I did.  I used to put up 1000+ shots a day/week outside of practice and it made a remarkable difference.  Even doing football workouts all thru bball season.  So gripe and complain all you want to.  It's not gonna make any difference.  They are doing the universal work out regardless.  They can either make the best of it or use it as an excuse.  I don't really care either way.
  5. ask Larry Bird how many shots he put up "with supervision" from a coach
  6. If not making the playoffs is not that big a deal then what does that say about schools consistently NOT making the playoffs?  I think it's a pretty big deal.  Yeah I know that the measure of success is different for everybody but that is the goal of just about every team in the state before each season.  In any sport.  And yeah skills are important.  Really important.  But the best shooters/ball handlers/batters/sprinters/you name it out there hone their skills on their own time.  Before school, after practice, playing pick-up ball, camps, at home, etc.  If you think that trading a 50 min weight workout for 50 mins of BB skill work is gonna all of the sudden turn a program around, then your wrong.  Because quite honestly, it takes a lot more than just 8 hours of practice a week to be truly successful.
  7. This is so frustrating!  Dis I say that having a universal weight program was the "best" thing to do?!! No!  I said that you can have success with it and that it doesn't hurt any basketball team being stronger and faster.  I had success with it as a player.  I see teams having success with it now.  Yes East Chambers consistently makes post season.  That is success. You wanna bring up Cayuga again?  You just said that that state champ bb coach just did away with the universal off season.  Meaning that they had universal off season this year.  They won state!!  You said it not me.  There's proof right there that you can have success with it.  Plus....Cayuga had 2 D1 football players on the BB team this year.  Do you know what a D1 football player is?...an athletic specimen.  You can't tell me that had nothing to do with their success.
  8. You...may not have any thoughts about him good or bad.  But somebody does.  The whole reason that this thread was started is because of the implication that HF will have a downfall (haha..downfall) in the basketball program because of a universal weight program.  When the fact is that schools all over the place have had and are having success with it.  And will it win a state championship?...maybe, but probably not.  But that's not what I'm talking about.  HF could start practicing basketball right now and skip football.  But anything short of 1 or more incredible move-ins will not put HF anywhere close to a state title run.   But they do have a shot at having some success.  And all I'm saying is that it's worked for Price before, (3A 4A or whatever they were when it happened) so give it a chance.  Weight lifting never hurt anybody no matter what season it's done in.
  9. Barbers Hill's BB program was g.a.r.b.a.g.e. before Price got there.  During his time Barbers Hill averaged 13 district championships a year for the school.  Know how many of those champtionships were football?.... not many (if any I don't know)  And that's 3A/4A pal.   So the best thing I can say is that you might as well accept it and get used to it because Coach Price has had success with it before so he'll probably stick with it.  Like I said before, if you don't like.  Then get a teacher certification, become an AD, and run your school athletic program however you want to.
  10. Actually, I know the Spurger coach and got a chance to talk to him at a track meet.  I asked what happened in the semifinals game...he said, "It is almost impossible to beat a team that athletic with what I have."  2nd of all, I bet Coach Sutherland would dispute the only reason HJ beat Navasota in the playoffs is blah blah blah.  I think that the fact that the man has won more playoff games than anyone in the area and most in the state may have something to do with HJ winning any playoff games.  He knows how to win them plain and simple.  Kind of like Michigan State being in the final 4 6 of the last 12 years. None of that even matters.  I played on a high school team that was very successful and we all did the "offseason" workouts.  Yeah it made us stronger...yeah it made us faster...yeah I think it made us better.  I also played 4 years of college BASKETBALL...we lifted 3 times a week sometimes 4 ALL YEAR.  Before and after season we lifted for strength, speed, and stamina.  During the season we lifted to maintain, but we still lifted. By the way...when you max out, you are actually only doing about 3 lifts.  Once again, if you are consitantly lifting it will have no affact on you.  I'm done arguing my point.  If any of you think someone's season is going down the drain because of strength training during the period then your just ignorant.
  11. Valid point.  But I'm not saying you don't need any skill at all.  And BTW, did I say I could win with 5 strong, fast linemen.  I said 4.1 speed.  There isn't a high school lineman alive that can run like that.  And here's my point.  What does lifting weights during the athletic period have to do with working on basketball skills during basketball practice.  I'm a believer that during the athletic period (accept for a few acceptions: games, etc.) that kids are in an ATHLETIC CLASS to work on being BETTER ATHLETES.  And sport specific practice should be after school hours. And besides, what is the topic of this thread?..[b]KISS BASKETBALL GOODBYE IN HF!!![/b] Implying that because they have to lift weights during BB season.  You're talking about who won the state championship.  I'm talking about being successful.  Face it.  HF needs to worry about trying to be successful first.  [b][u]EVERY[/u][/b] team in this area that was successful had better ATHLETES than their apponents.  With the acception of 1....Spurger.  Spurger was the only true "skill" team that had good success this year.  What happened to them?  They got to the state tourney and faced Cayuga...a team with 2 D1 athletes on it and several other just good athletes...and got SMOKED.  I bet Cayuga didn't hit a whole lot of 15ft jumpers or worry about where the ball came off the rim.
  12. What is going on here?...  A comment was made that lifting during BB season was bad/unneccessary/pointless/stupid or whatever the word was.  That in itself is a stupid statement.  Go find any successful high school team, or any college/pro team that doesn't do consistent weight lifting.  You wont find many.  And I saw a comment about running a 4.1 benching 250 but cant hit a 15 foot jumper....who cares!  I'll take 5 guys that have a 4.1 40 time and bench 250 ANYDAY.  I went to several Kountze games this yr.  Very few 15ft jumpers even attempted.  Why?...B/C they were STRONG/FAST enough to scare teams into bad decisions, FAST enough to go get the steal, and STRONG enough to jump up and [u]dunk[/u] it on the other end.  Holy Crap.  If you don't want weight lifting going on during BB season then get a teacher certificate and become an AD.  Good luck having much success
  13. Where did Coach Wilkins go?  Hard to imagine someone leaving a probable district championship team. (especially being from there, won a state title as a player there)
  14. I've seen it.  I saw an open gym at kountze (on a sunday) with 30+ people in there varying from ages 12ish to about 30ish.  And my guess is that it happens just like that quite often.
  15. here's the difference between the "known" basketball programs (kountze, silsbee, hj, ozen).  1st of all, they don't have to worry about the football coach taking them on game days because a lot of those kids, the better ones especially, are strait basketball kids.  Also, kids at those schools play basketball RELIGIOUSLY all year.  ALL YEAR.  Those kids have open gyms once or twice a week throughout the year.  Football season, BASKETBALL season, summer, it doesn't matter.  They play all of the time.  That's why they're good. Plus they have tremendous athletes.  That never hurts.  Hamshire doesn't have those types of athletes, or play enough
  16. Lifting on gameday is no big deal...if you're consistantly lifting all year.  I played in college and we lifted (for strength!) 3 days a week, no matter if we had a game or not.  I was a better player because of it.  And before you bash it just look at the man's track record.  Barber Hill averaged 13 district championships a year in his 10 yr period and hardly any, if any were in football.  Give it a chance. And by the way, EC getting 3 in district and beating a chump private school 1st round is a hell of a lot more than Hamshire's done lately.
  17. first of all. who are you to tell me whether or not i'm a fan of a high school football team.  2nd of all, i never said i was a true bobcat....no i'm not from daisetta so i'm not a true blue red and black psycho bobcat fanatic.  but i know several people from there and they are absolutely great, and i know several kids that attend the school and they are also absolutely great.  you can be critical of me if you want to...that's fine.  but you know there's some truth in what i'm saying or you wouldn't have gotten so defensive.  don't get mad because i call it like i see it.  all i basically meant was that hd has a great tradition of great support for their football team...and that's as far as it goes.  don't you think it's time we start wanting the team to do a little more than just make the playoffs.  lots of teams make the playoffs...that doesn't make you a powerhouse.  if you think it does you need to do a little more research of some teams around the state and stop worrying about how many times hd has beaten this team or that team and just made the playoffs.  it takes a little more than that to be considered dominant.
  18. no offense, because i am as big a HD fan as anybody, but i think we can hardly say that the bobcats are a reload team.  just because they are in the playoffs quite a bit....who cares about making the playoffs.  yeah i know, it keeps the fans happy, and it's everybody's "goal" of the season.  but if they are so dominant and stacked with talent, when are they going to WIN a playoff game.  i think they've won 1 playoff game since the state championship in 1979.  that's 30 years!!  for that matter, how many playoff games has the district won lately?...  if you're always making the playoffs in a district that never wins playoff games have you really done anything?  so please stop talking about how "dominant" hd football is.  they may have a tradition of being dominant within 30 miles of daisetta, tx....but i'm thinking bigger picture here. no doubt that making the playoffs in this new district will be quite a feat...because be realistic, it WILL be tough.  i don't care what you think lovelady and west sabine are going to be good i don't care how many sr's they lost.  and...colmesneil beat hd last year.  so it will be rough.  i'm just hoping for a good, injury free season.  it will be interesting.
  19. um....it's 4 1A's (colmesneil, evadale, hd, wh).  And the 1 3A might as well be a 1A.  Tarkington has won about 3 games in the last however many years.  And I'm not trying to be negative.  Really I'm not.  It's just that a good 2A team (for instance a district title contender) will NOT lost to a 1A school.  No matter how good the 1A school is.  I've seen state champion 1A schools get the dog crap beat out of them by good but not great 2A schools.  And honestly, I only see Kountze beating 1 maybe 2 of those 4 1A schools on the schedule.
  20. Yeah buddy....no other way to get ready for district than beating up on some 1A schools.  Or should I say, trying to beat up some 1A schools.  This is a double edged sword.  If you go into "that" district 5-0 it might give you some confidence, but will in no way have you ready for those teams (buna, anahuac, newton, woodville, ec).  But what if you lose all or most of those games..(against 1A schools).  Then confidence is shot and you have no chance.  Trying to win a title....not a chance.  More like hoping to win a game or 2 before getting drummed in district.
  21. For teachers that have been teaching for a while (not sure how long), retirement is based on the average of the [u]highest[/u] 3 years.  Whether it be the 1st 3 or the last 3.  For teachers that do not fall under the "grandfathered" clause it is based on the average of the highest 5 years.  Know matter which 5.
  22. I played 4 years of college basketball.  We lifted weights 3 times a week during the season and I was a better player/athlete because of it. 
  23. I saw the guy coach last year at the regional tourney.  He seemed to have done a good job to me.  And like mentioned before, you don't win 600 games and not know how to coach.  The guy has probably seen just about every situation you can see in a game.  It's so funny to me that people are so quick to point a finger.  What adjustment could he have made?  The game of basketball hasn't changed.  When a team piles it in on your good post offense, the only way to get them out of it is to hit some outside shots.  Or stand outside and hold it.  From what I understand Hardin let/forced Woodville to shoot it and they couldn't hit shots.  How is that the coaches fault?  Maybe those other girls should've spent a little more extra time in the gym and not depended on the inside game so much.  Or maybe they just had a bad shooting night...either way.  The coach cant "make" kids make shots in the game.  Give us all a break and just admit that Woodville was just not ready to play.
  24. Nice...that's how it's supposed to be done.  5 1st team, 5 2nd team.  Not watered down at all.  Congrats girls.
  25. Several SETX girls made the All Region team.  Congrats! [Hidden Content]
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