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Everything posted by BMTbball09

  1. We might have a second U10, U11 & U 12 team too.
  2. 2014 SOUTHEAST TEXAS FALL BASEBALL LEAGUE @ FORD PARK REC LEAGUE FOR AGES 5-14 (4-13 this spring) REGISTRATION DEADLINE:  AUGUST 29th, 2014 COMMONLY ASKED QUESTIONS & RULES PRINTABLE REGISTRATION FORM   The fall baseball league is a recreational league open for everyone ages 5-14 (As of April 30, 2015). Games will be Sunday doubleheaders (T-Ball will play one game) at Ford Park starting Sept. 21st (13/14 year olds will play at Marauder Park, Lumberton).  Earliest possible game time will be 11:00 AM to accommodate church.  This will not be Select or All-Star teams.  Groups will be allowed to stay together, as long as teams stay fair.  Teams will play a 12 game schedule (T-ball will play 6 games, 1 each Sunday).  Each kid will receive a team shirt & hat. All players and coaches will be covered under a team insurance policy. We will provide umpires & balls for each game.     COST:   $  50 – T-Ball;  $100 - Coach Pitch, Minors & Majors; $125 - Marauder     Family Discount:  $25 off each additional member of same household   T-BALL:  Ages 5 & 6 (as of 4/31/2015).  Teams will roster bat.  Will play only one game each Sunday.     COACH PITCH:  Ages 7 & 8 (as of 4/31/2015).  Teams will roster bat & a coach will throw to kids.  Standard infield & 4 outfielders. Kids get 3 swinging strikes or 6 pitches total to put ball in play.   MINOR LEAGUE:  Ages 9 & 10 (as of 4/31/2015).  Regular Baseball rules.  Teams will roster bat & pitchers will pitch from 46’ with 65’ bases.  Pitchers will be limited to 12 outs a week.   MAJOR LEAGUE:  Ages 11 & 12 (as of 4/31/2015).  Regular Baseball rules.  Teams will roster bat & pitchers will pitch from 50’ with 70’ bases.  Pitchers will be limited to 12 outs a week.   MARAUDER LEAGUE:  Ages 13 & 14 (as of 4/30/2015). Games played at Marauder Park, Lumberton.  Teams will roster bat & pitchers will pitch from 54’ with 80’ bases.  Pitchers will be limited to 12 outs a week.   For more info, www.setexasbaseballacademy.com   Thanks. Jason Tyner
  3. PIRANHAS BASEBALL (7U-13U for 2015 season) Piranhas baseball will be expanding next season and adding a few more teams.  We will be having tryouts in late August, times TBA.  If you would like to be contacted about tryouts, please email [email protected] & we will add you to the contact list.  Here is a list of our tentative team list for next season.   7U - New Team 8U - Charlie Jordan 8U - New Team 9U - Kevin Wickland 9U - Jason Tyner / Curt Goodman (New Team) 10U - Richard Knox 11U - Jason Barclay 12U - Phillip Smith (will be going to Cooperstown World Series) 13U - James Hebert / Sean Williford *13U Premier - Jason Tyner / Curt Goodman / Morgan Walker / Wes Koch   * 2014 12U Premier Piranhas will be the 13U Gladiators Premier representative in the Texas Premier League.  www.texaspremierbaseball.com (13U-18U).  This league is heavily recruited at the older ages.  
  4. Southeast Texas Baseball Academy Summer Baseball Camps @ Ford Park Fields (Ages 4 – 15, kids will be separated by ages) Cost:  $75 for 1 camp, $125 for 2 camps or $150 for All 3 Camps (9 days)                                        Summer Camp #1:  June 10-12 (Tues-Thur) 9AM – Noon                    Summer Camp #2:  July 1-3 (Tues-Thur) 9AM – Noon                    Summer Camp #3:  August 12-14 (Tues-Thur) 9AM – Noon   Family Discount: Each additional child from the same household will receive $25 off (first child is full price). Please pre-register, all registered campers can hit off the academy token machines for FREE all summer. Parents are not required to stay, but can if they choose. The camp will be hosted by Jason Tyner & other Academy instructors. The 3-day camps will cover hitting, fielding, catching & throwing mechanics for all positions. We will be on fields at Ford Park, weather permitting (or baseball academy). Refunds will only be issued if you don’t attend any camps.   Register online @ www.setexasbaseballacademy.com   Jason Tyner  
  5. This even will be 65' open bases (just like 9U & 10U).  Mound will be at 44' (9U/10U is 46').
  6. Yes, it will be coach pitch.  We will probably start putting this team together in late July, early August.  Interest has been high.  Email me your contact info & I will keep you updated.    [email protected]   thanks.
  7. 8U Kid Pitch Championship Events @ Ford Park   May 31-June 1 Summer Shoot-Out June 21-22 Last Chance Qualifier   Custom Championship Rings will be awarded for 1st & 2nd Place.   For more info, www.setexasbaseballacademy.com   or contact Morgan Walker, 409.351.4082
  8. Piranhas Baseball 6U team. We are now looking for kids/coaches interested in a new 6U team forming. Kids must be 6 or younger on April 30, 2014.   Please contact Jason Tyner @ [email protected] if interested.   Our 7U team currently has a 22 game 7U winning streak & our 8U team just had their 18 game winning streak snapped.   Our 12U team is going to Cooperstown World Series in June & we plan on sending a team each season.   Tryouts for other teams for 2015 season will be in September.
  9. Southeast Texas Baseball Academy at Ford Park Fields www.setexasbaseballacademy.com 409-842-3900
  10. 2013 SOUTHEAST TEXAS FALL LEAGUE @ FORD PARK REC LEAGUE FOR AGES 5-12 (4-11 last spring) REGISTRATION DEADLINE:  AUGUST 23rd, 2013 LATE REGISTRATION DEADLINE:  AUG.30th, 2013 (if space available) Last year we had 600+ kids (53 teams).  Our capacity is around 60 teams, so please make sure you are signed up & paid, before August 23rd, to guarantee a spot.  Groups will be allowed to stay together, as long as the teams stay fair.  If the group is made up of mostly the older age in the group, I will most likely break your team up.  I don’t recommend playing up, unless the child is far superior to the kids his age. The fall baseball league will be a recreational league open for everyone ages 5-12 (As of April 30, 2014).  Games will be Sunday doubleheaders (T-Ball will play one game) at Ford Park starting Sept. 8th & ending Oct. 27th.  Games will start after 11:30 AM to accommodate church.  This will not be Select or All-Star teams.  Teams will play a 12 game schedule (T-ball will play 6 games, 1 each Sunday).  Each kid will receive a team shirt & hat. All players and coaches will be covered under a team insurance policy.  We will provide 2 professional umpires & balls for each game (1 ump for T-Ball).  COST:  $  50 – T-Ball;  $100 - Coach Pitch, Minors & Majors    Family Discount:  $25 off each additional member of same household T-BALL:  Ages 5 & 6 (as of 4/31/2014).  Teams will roster bat.  Will play only one game each Sunday.  COACH PITCH:  Ages 7 & 8 (as of 4/31/2014).  Teams will roster bat & a coach will throw to kids.  Standard infield & 4 outfielders. Kids get 3 swinging strikes or 6 pitches total to put ball in play. MINOR LEAGUES:  Ages 9 & 10 (as of 4/31/2014).  Regular Baseball rules.  Teams will roster bat & pitchers will pitch from 46’ with 65’ bases.  Pitchers will be limited to 15 outs a week. MAJOR LEAGUES:  Ages 11 & 12 (as of 4/31/2014).  Regular Baseball rules.  Teams will roster bat & pitchers will pitch from 50’ with 70’ bases.  Pitchers will be limited to 15 outs a week.
  11. Thank you to the 130+ kids and families that participated in the try outs yesterday.  Coaches are evaluating tryouts and we will contact everyone asap.  For those that missed the first one and would still like to try out, a 2nd try out will be August 3rd.  Please register online & like on facebook to recieve updates.
  12. Register online for tryouts at [Hidden Content]
  13. Piranhas Baseball open tryouts will be July 20th @ softball complex on College Street, Beaumont for all teams.  You play by your age on April 30, 2014.   You must pre-register online to tryout at [Hidden Content] Tryout #1: Saturday, July 20th @ Softball Complex 9:00 am - 7U & 8U 10:30 am - 9U Noon - 10U 1:30 pm - 11U 3:00 pm - 12U (Select & Elite Team) Tryout #2: Saturday, August 3rd (INVITATION ONLY) You also need to like Piranhas Baseball on facebook, where additional information will be posted. [Hidden Content] . Thanks. Jason Tyner, [email protected] Curt Goodman, [email protected]
  14. Piranhas Baseball will be expanding next season to a team in each age division, 7U-12U.  The organization is going to be run by Jason Tyner & Curt Goodman.  All select teams will be volunteer coached & dues will generally be around $50/month per kid.  Total cost will depend on fundraising, how much travel the team chooses, uniforms they wear, etc.  Jason Tyner will not coach the select teams, but will assist with some practices and help train the volunteer coaches.  Tryouts and team formations will begin at the end of July, so if interested, please email Jason Tyner, [email protected] & Curt Goodman, [email protected].  You also need to like Piranhas Baseball on facebook, where tryouts will be posted. [Hidden Content] . [u]Coaches[/u] 7U - TBD 8U - Kevin Wickland 9U - Richard Knox 10U - TBD 11U - Phillip Smith 12U Select - TBD 12U Elite - Jason Tyner (currently full) Thanks.
  15. Should have the registration forms out soon.
  16. T-BALL:  Ages 5 & 6 (as of 4/31/2014).  Teams will roster bat.  Will play only one game each Sunday.  COACH PITCH:  Ages 7 & 8 (as of 4/31/2014).  Teams will roster bat & a coach will throw to kids.  Standard infield & 4 outfielders. Kids get 3 swinging strikes or 6 pitches total to put ball in play. MINOR LEAGUES:  Ages 9 & 10 (as of 4/31/2014).  Regular Baseball rules.  Teams will roster bat & pitchers will pitch from 46’ with 65’ bases.  Pitchers will be limited to 15 outs a week. MAJOR LEAGUES:  Ages 11 & 12 (as of 4/31/2014).  Regular Baseball rules.  Teams will roster bat & pitchers will pitch from 50’ with 70’ bases.  Pitchers will be limited to 15 outs a week.
  17. The fall baseball league will be a recreational league open for everyone ages 5-12 (As of April 30, 2014).  Games will be Sunday doubleheaders (T-Ball will play one game) at Ford Park starting Sept. 8th & ending Oct. 27th.  Games will start after 11:30 AM to accommodate church.  This will not be Select or All-Star teams.  Teams will play a 12 game schedule (T-ball will play 6 games, 1 each Sunday).  Each kid will receive a team shirt & hat. All players and coaches will be covered under a team insurance policy.  We will provide 2 professional umpires & balls for each game (1 ump for T-Ball).  Kids can play up in age if you would like, but its not recommended. COST:  $  50 – T-Ball             $100 - Coach Pitch, Minors & Majors    Family Discount:  $25 off each additional member of same household
  18. [center]2013 SOUTHEAST TEXAS FALL BASEBALL LEAGUE @ FORD PARK REC LEAGUE FOR AGES 5-12 (4-11 this spring) REGISTRATION STARTS IN JULY REGISTRATION DEADLINE:  AUGUST 23rd, 2013 LATE REGISTRATION DEADLINE:  AUGUST 30th, 2013 (if space is available)[/center] The league continues to grow each year.  Last year we had 600+ kids (53 teams).  Our capacity is around 60 teams, so please make sure you are signed up & paid, before August 23rd, to guarantee a spot.  Groups will be allowed to stay together, as long as the teams stay fair.  If the group is made up of mostly the older age in the group, I will most likely break your team up.  I don’t recommend playing up, unless the child is far superior to the kids his age. For more info or to register:  www.setexasbaseballacademy.com Thanks. Jason
  19. [center]Southeast Texas Baseball Academy Summer Baseball Camps @ Ford Park Fields[/center] [center](Ages 4 – 15, kids will be separated by ages)[/center] Cost $75 for 1 camp, $125 for 2 camps or $175 for All 5 Camps (15 days) Register now at: www.setexasbaseballacademy.com or call 409.842.3900 Summer Camp #1:  June 11-13 (Tues-Thur) 9AM – Noon Summer Camp #2:  June 18-20 (Tues-Thur) 9AM – Noon Summer Camp #3:  June 25-27 (Tues-Thur) 9AM – Noon Summer Camp #4:  July 16-18 (Tues-Thur) 9AM – Noon Summer Camp #5:  July 23-25 (Tues-Thur) 9AM – Noon Family Discount: Each additional child from the same household will receive $25 off (first child is full price). Please pre-register, all registered campers can hit off the academy token machines for FREE in June & July. Parents are not required to stay, but can if they choose. The camp will be hosted by Jason Tyner & other Academy instructors. The 3-day camps will cover hitting, fielding, catching & throwing mechanics for all positions. We will be on fields at Ford Park, weather permitting (or baseball academy). Refunds will only be issued if you don’t attend any camps. Thanks. Jason Tyner
  20. Reminder that games this weekend will be broadcast LIVE on the internet.  Go to our website or directly to the live feed, www.setexasbaseballacademy.com/livefeed.html 11U Elite & 7U Select (Saturday games) will be played at Marauder Park, so will not be available for broadcast. Ford Park was recently named a "Top 10 Baseball Facility in American".  You can read the full story on our website, www.setexasbaseballacademy.com .
  21. All games this weekend, will be available to watch LIVE on the internet.  Please go to our website, www.setexasbaseballacademy.com . Thanks.
  22. The Southeast Texas Baseball Academy is proud to announce that we will be hosting 2 World Series Events at Ford Park this year, covering 5 age groups. July 2-6 World Series: U6, U7 & U8 July 9-14 World Series: U11 & U12 These are great events open to everyone, including newly formed all-star teams. Along with getting to play lots of games against kids from all over the country, WS events feature skills competitions, pin trading, opening ceremonies, fireworks show, etc. For more info, to put a team together for this event, please contact Morgan Walker, 409.351.4082 .
  23. I would look at some of the other, more age appropriate, teams still looking for players.  Playing up in select ball is not the same as playing up in league ball.  I would not recommend it. Also, i don't allow mine to throw curveballs until they are 13.  Good luck finding a team. Piranhas are going to roll with 10 for the time being, unless the right fit comes along.
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