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Everything posted by Hotrodg

  1. So lets see Kountze finished with a disrict record identical to Hardin but returns 8/8 starters. Anahuac returns some pretty good kids and is a program on the rise. They are my "unconventional" pick. Call it a feeling. Hardin and Buna both should be in the hunt, Deweyville is still a couple years away from contention.
  2. I pick Hardin to finish 4th in the district. My picks for the top 3: 1st EC 2nd Kountze 3rd Anahuac
  3. Well I'll stop this conversation now. Further discussion with you on the matter has no value to the rest of the board.
  4. It does not take much insight to understand that the ranking and picks were done by different contributors. I think that is obvious to everyone. The thing that is goofy is that the editors allowed the mag to cantradict itself by publishing contradictory info as the same entity. My opinion is this was the result of a lack of editorial oversight. Here, I'll try taking the analogy away from football ranking to help you achieve understanding. Lets say you and I work for a large company. We both work in a department called "Consumer Relations". We have been assigned a very important project. We are to determine what things, in order, customers most want changed, and figure out how to most effectively improve our customer relations. So we prepare our report. You go do research and I go do research. We make a presentation and present to management. Slide 1 is titled "Consumer Relations Top 25 Things Customers Want Changed". The #1 thing listed is "No one ever answers the phone" and at #13 we have "Your email address is hard to find on your website". Slide 2 is titled "Consumer Relations take on what customers most want changed". On this slide we explain that given the choice between having someone answer the phone or making our email address more visible, customer would choose to have the email address made more visible. Since making the email address more visible is most important, that is where we intend to focus our efforts. Exact same thing as happened in the mag. Two different people, or groups of people, worked on the same thing independently but then we presented contradictory opinions as THE SAME ENTITY in this case the "Consumer Relations Department". How do you think we look to our target audience? As the other departments take our presentation and decide what to do to work on customer relations how much faith will they put in our department's research?
  5. LMAO. You don't get it. Oh well.
  6. Why on earth would the magazine have Liberty Hill ranked #1 in their preseason rankings, yet subsequently predict that they will lose in the State Finals to #4 ranked La Vega? Dave Campbell is contradicting himself In 2A the mag has: #13 Kirbyville over #3 Early in D1 and #8 Elysian Fields over #1 Cisco in D2
  7. It is not really like that at all. The difference is the way the picks and rankings were published. The ranking listing is published as the "Sate Farm/Texas Football 2A Top 25". Not as "this individual's opinion". The state finalist and champ picks are published in a feature for each class titled "Texas Football's Take". Not as "a different guy's opinion". It would be like 2 moderator's here making a ranking and state picks but titling them as "SETXSports.com's Rankings" and "SETXSports.com's Picks". The oddity here is that they published them both as "Texas Football". In the process they contradict themselves as a publication. There isn't really anything wrong with it. It is just a really bizarre way to have published them.
  8. this year the Padilla/DCTF preseason ranking contains a real head scratcher. Look at class 2A Cisco #1, Elysian Fields #8 BUT EF over Cisco is the pick for the D2 title? EDIT: Also - Early #3 Kirbyville #13 BUT Kirbyville over Early for D1 title?
  9. Right. Just like the school has nothing to do with sports in general, just the school teams.
  10. Because they can't insitute a blanket testing policy. Driving, like extracurricular activities, is a privlege.
  11. Remember those types of things are based on coach submitted forms. Something I have heard of: Say a jr. starts at RB. A sr. starts at FS. After the season the FS graduates. The next year the kid that played RB also plays FS and is written down as a "returning starter". This is more common at the smaller schools where there are more two-way players. Just food for thought.
  12. In response to the orginal topic: Yes, we should abolish the system of having elected representatives that are accountable to the taxpayers that fund the school because some high school football fans think they "meddle" in football matters. Seriously. Athletics are not even close to being the main (or even major in most definitions of the word) source of funding. Not even in the largest, most successful athletic programs. What the programs bring in are a drop in the bucket in the best cases. I'd venture to say that most programs don't even generate enough revenue to cover the costs of the program. For those that are harboring the illusion that football or any other athletic program are a signifigant source of school funding take a quick look here: [Hidden Content]
  13. Once again: The transitive property does not work for football. Period.
  14. I'm fom Newton and I think Mid County Madness is by far the best SETX rivalry. I guess it really comes down to what "best" means to you. Is it the biggest rivalry in the area? The one you personally enjoy the most? The longest running? etc..
  15. In the 2008 Newton Eagle season I am looking forward to: Curtis Barbay's 300th win. Week 10 vs. Kirbyville (For the district title?) Another Purple Playoff Run Any moments your are eagerly awaiting?
  16. Not necessarily. The 23AA D2 team that finishes lower in the standings will most likely face Newton. That may or may not be the smallest school. See, district championships DO still mean something.
  17. I think that Nederland/PNG is hands down the best SETX rivalry. I am very excited at the renewal of Newton/Kirbyville though. Those Wildcats need a history lesson.
  18. Actually they don't. Kirbyville will go to the D1 bracket and Newton will play D2. I think they both will contend for titles.
  19. This is a topic that you will never get any kind of a consensus on. To even try you need to first create parameters for the judging. Do you consider performance at the prep level only? Entire football career including college or pro? How do you stack different eras and classifications and publics vs privates? Here is a listing of RBs (in no particular order) that come immediately to mind. I could make a case for any one of them: Anthony Bylerly Jeff Spikes Dexter Hebert Leeland McElroy Jamaal Charles Butch Hadnot Bubba Bean
  20. Newton.
  21. Welcome back K-ville.
  22. I dislike the term "reverse racism". It is just plain ol racism. Whether the victim's skin color is brown, black, white, yellow, red, or blue.
  23. I happen to not only be pulling for Dayton, but think they WILL win. That does not however validate a flawed argument. How can you say Waller v. Lumberton + Lumberton v. Dayton is not a good score to compare then turn around and say Waller v. Nederland + Nederland v. Dayton is? Each of those comparisons is just as valid as the other. (Which is to say not at all.)
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