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  1. I hear all this talk and see all these posts....geeez....you guys sound like politicians making a big issue of something so simple as winning by a large margin, let me educate you! 1. if you are that much better than everyone else (which Nederland white and black are) you have a great opportunity to not only win but to teach children respect for others. 2. never put in jeopardy winning a game however when its 28-0 you ARE going to win that game. put in your second team on offense AND DEFENSE.  3. I see a lot of these teams changing backfields BUT NOT O LINE AND D LINE. duhhhhhh 4. if you continue to score with second team go to third. (everyone has a kid or two who would love to run the ball but will NEVER have a chance except for in this league and maybe this yr. (put in a play, shotgun snap and run to 12345667or 8 hole. (its not rocket science) 5. by doing this you are teaching the children great sportsmanship, and kindness for others. as well as making memories for those few kids that get to run the ball.  THE KIDS ON THESE TWO TEAMS HEAR ALL THE HOOPLA AND SUCH FROM THIS TOPIC ....I CANT BELIEVE THE COACHES HAVE LET IT GET TO THIS INSTEAD OF USING IT AS A TEACHING TOOL AS I EXPLAINED ABOVE...SHAME ON U.......IF YOU CANT FIGURE IT OUT CALL ME AND I WILL GLADLY COME COACH THAT TALENTED GROUP OF YOUNG MEN...THEY WILL WIN AND LEARN HOW TO BE GREAT CITIZENS AND PEOPLE AND TO RESPECT THE GAME AND THEIR OPPONENT!!!!!
  2. orange field has played some good teams Beaumont warriors will not score against them.  21 -0  orangefield...you can say I called it...lol
  3. does anyone know the score of png w today
  4. you think ned b defense is better than ned white d????? hmmmm.....don't think so
  5. vidor will be good......very good!
  6. vidor will be stout....as Beaumont blue found out last yr........turnovers were the difference in the playoff game...this yr...no turnovers....png vs. vidor superbowl in the sr. division..........
  7. so who is looking good this year? did the Beaumont blue boys move up to senior or still jr?  
  8. Don't know that's why I asked 8)
  9. Did beaumont blue lose all their good players?
  10. Watched some of png white lumb white lots of speed from those two.
  11. Well said ashley.
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