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Everything posted by snafu

  1. If this game goes the way everyone thinks it will.... its not the game that will be the bad part, it will be that lllooonnng bus ride home.... :'( Good Luck Bears Leave it on the field!!!
  2. With 85% of the plays being running plays in Vidor tonight, you could conceivably go to the whole Vidor game and be at the Babe for the start of the 4th quarter of Ned/Central! Thats a true statement, heck i'd be willing to bet middle of the 3rd LOL Unless : Soulja gets the grass watered enough to keep that ball wet and slippery... he has been watering it all day now... Said he thought we were in a drought or something.... : ;D
  3. Just curious, In your playoff scenario, You are assuming Lumberton looses to Nederland & PNG?? And furthermore you ASSume that PNG beats Ozen, Vidor, & Central?? You know what they say about assuming stuff. No I never ASSumed anything. I predicted as the title says. You Lumberton fans are so sensitive! Assume - to take to be true without proof. Predict - to foretell something; prophesy. Raiders will win the district and will never lose another game...Ever. Becasue their fans take it to be true without proof! : Get over yourselves. You had one very good season, not great, but very good and you get your panties in a wad if someone doesn't pick your beloved Raiders to win it all! Ever noticed how on just about every thread there is a stretch in there about Lumberton football?? I am not complaining just was wondering if anyone else has noticed it.... Just a thought... Does keep the boards with good stuff to read and laugh about. Kudos to you BADNDN
  4. :o Hey Soulja was that you I seen watering the grass at The Babe today?? hmmm Still must not of got enough water yesterday... I am glad to see you taking care of that field like that...... :
  5. Hey Soulja...would that be the Denver Broncos you're talking about losing Sunday. If so, that's my NFL team too. Yes, the Denver (Orange Crush) Broncos is my NFL squad! Now that is old school... I remember when The Cowboys drank Orange Juice in a superbowl against the Orange Crushed 8) :
  6. i missed one i pick stirling over pa memorial lol i cant spell sterling... hehehe probably would of been easier just editing the post and making your pick ;D
  7. Just full of all kinds of info aren't you Coop?? ;D ;D
  8. To qoute you ... "uhhhh" isn't that what I said..... LOL you already nervous??? I guess I will help you along Comeaux because it seems you are struggling with this one..Tonight is NOT Homecoming... Well Duh, I figured you were going to do the rest of the games also.... I guess I had more faith in you than you did... atleast I was figuring you for the rest of the season you was only shooting for tonight...
  9. To qoute you ... "uhhhh" isn't that what I said..... LOL you already nervous???
  10. ;D 8) Hey you know we have your back..... well maybe your shadow..... Ok who are you and how do you know who I am?? heheheehe
  11. Better yet will Piratefan cower in the corner when the lights go out for halftime?? or does he plan ahead and bring his Little Mermaid nightlite?? : ;D Vidor Wins :-D ;D WHAT?? SETXSports doesn't supply Kerry with a driver??? OMG what is this world coming to.... :o
  12. Just curious you have Liv and Vid both at 4-3 who won heads up for the final Playoff spot? hehehee
  13. :o awwww come on Corey you know you wake up in the middle of the night to see if someone is talking about Bid Daddy Joey and his sidekick Baby Boy Corey..... : : : :o ;D ;D ;D
  14. My question is why was Soulja out at Jaguar stadium today with a fire hose spraying down the field??? hmmmm I wonder if he thought it didnt rain enough today ..... I guess its the ole trial and error system ... Trying out the wet field vs finesse football?? Ole Soulja and his mental war tactics... : : : :o ;D ;D ;D :D ;)
  15. HAHAHAHA A legend in his own mind maybe... I don't know if we call him "Buttermaker" or "Gimp" or "Hopalong" maybe we just won't call him.... yeah that's the ticket!!!!! :o ;D ;D : : :
  16. I will say this... keep the pepto close by and plenty of sharmin it is going to be a long night... Luckily I will be in the stands where I won't have to listen to Joey's counterpart.....
  17. Does that mean that Joe Blow would be the Ref?
  18. Let hope Joey has found a decent counter part to him in the booth.... ;D : 8)
  19. PN-G'S Ship Finally Comes In.... Too Bad It Was Loaded With Pirates. : : : ;D ;D
  20. ooooohhhh so that is the meaning of the Triple Threat.... nice backside blocks. To bad they didn't gain more yardage on the run though hahahah I bet that was an awesome game after those hits....
  21. :o ??? ??? :o ;D ;D DE CLEATER!!!!
  22. This fix is going to have to come from inside the LC-M field house... Coaches and Athletes... and from the community... Attitude... you have to believe in what your doing before anything works.... 100% 100% of the time... encourage, instill, teach, go back to fundamentals. Find something that works and build off of it. Doesn't have to be fancy, no big bang. Just something that works... I sure hope they can get it together. The Vidor fans know how this feels as much as some of the other teams around here. I hate to see a community, and young men and women go through a drought like this. It affects the whole community, because everywhere you go someone is asking the question "Whats going on in LC-M?". The longer it goes the harder it gets to dig out. I just hope they can pull out of the tail spin soon. Good luck to you Bear fans. Don't leave them young men on that field alone. Go stand behind them win or loose. Let them know their effort is appreciated. Most of these young men are harder on themselves than any coach, dad, friend, uncle or fan could ever be. Just let them know they are appreciated and that they are supported and things will come around. You do not know how 5 little words can turn an attitude around "You did a good job." Just my thoughts. No blame being insinuated at anyone. I still say Saturday Headline reads.... Bears Wake Up Moody... Pimp Slap Lions!
  23. In a debate about high school football, the mantra "Don't mess with Texas" rang true. Seven other states took a crack at the Lone Star State with compelling arguments, but none were able to match Texas' talent and passion. In the final vote of the Great State Debate, top-seeded Texas easily dispatched No. 2 Florida in the final vote by a substantial 68.1 percent to 31.9 percent margin. 8) ;D 8) That is what I call taking Florida to the woodshed!
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