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Everything posted by snafu

  1. LOL oh yeah HOMECOOKING on the refs and the commentating!!
  2. Cmon Coach Waters STUFF IT DOWN THEIR NECK!!!
  3. hahah this guy cant add..... started on the 7 gained 3 yds and are on the 5yd line.... DEADWOOD FUMBLE CENTRAL RECOVER!!!!
  4. aaahhhh the truth finally comes out.... during the reboot you accidently hit the delete button on your post......
  5. 2nd 8 deadwood inside 35yd line of Jags.....
  6. HAHAHA ROT he will be ok ... Central punting from inside 10 yd line
  7. cmon Jags get off the goal line .... on another note Mizzou just scored to make it OU 10 Mizzou 6 Xpt pending
  8. LOL they talking bout the Tx Tech Prospect....
  9. LOL funny they call this a NEUTRAL site... isnt this deadwoods home field?
  10. need to regroup and clear them skulls up and get them refocused....
  11. wow they are pretty tight on Central and their penalities...seems like i havent heard any called against deadwood
  12. Okla 10 Mizzou 0 3 secs left in 1st qtr....
  13. this commentator couldnt call a snail race right he changes his junk every other sentence....
  14. Cole up to the Central 45 with a Flag for a Horse Collar
  15. hahah now they are calling it a 57 yd run.... home cooking commentator gotta luv it.... by the end of the game it will be a 3 yd run....
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