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Everything posted by u_dnt_kno_me

  1. 17-1 C bottem 4th starting pitcher left to hospital start of 2nd so that's a factor
  2. thanks for the help guys :)
  3. Can anyone help out here..me and my catcher are looking for a couple tryouts does anyone know of any comming up? doesn't matter on how far the travel is thanks any help is greatly appreciated
  4. Thanks WOS my bad :)
  5. Stupid question i know but i cant remember HF is Hampshire Fannett right???
  6. lookn forward to playing in it ;)
  7. hahaha spy u killed me with that one  :D ;)
  8. Who ya got?
  9. WOW :o :o one kid had 11 RBIs
  10. I agree with kicker but i want these games to proceed i would love to see the old state teams from other schools come back and play though...is there a set time and date?
  11. keep me updated because im at school and no speakers on this computer :D
  12. i say yes 1st seed gets an easier bracket
  13. even with us being rivals good luck boys ;)
  14. good win will be a great state game  ;)
  15. playoff implications def. ;) burkeville will win state this year  :D
  16. i didnt say tht thats what iv been told by a insider ???
  17. a VERY close insider as told me the score will be Eula 50 Evadale 3
  18. Any comments or predictions??
  19. as much as Evadale wants it there going to have to play PERFECT ball to even be in the game with this team
  20. Why is it ending? Hands down one of the best shows on television right now
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