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Everything posted by skipper

  1. i could say something on that slam but i will be a good boy and keep my fingers shut smiles
  2. i hope so and who ever he is good luck to the cats this year
  3. i have a very good feeling this year for the bears.randy crouch will do you guys a super job,but you guys will even give my stings a good game just the feeling i got
  4. LC-M has crouch i do belive he was a OC at one time smiles dang i just had to say that shame on me
  5. 8) 8) speveto,those were the good old day lmbo.did you ever see billy cannon run my friend,back in the OLD days he ws fast and had big legs all the girls loved him hehe. i spent my summers in BR,la and my uncle lived across the street from his familey we became very good friends and worked out togather.billy was not only fast he was a strong kid and took pride in his self
  6. will we haft to bring flash lights to the game just kidding
  7. i will say this for the lc-m faithfull you will win a few this year.
  8. now the kids atwo-s have see gilmer and gilmer took it,but that was last year.i do belive you will see a much diffrent mustang this go around if gilmer makes it.to the mustang faitfull that was there ,do you think gilmer is still counting there blessings four droped passes WIDE OPEN ,cant win like that can thay
  9. TD,i watch you play my friend and i must say you were one of the best.i coached teen ball years ago and had some of the best kids around and a pleaser to to teach them and watch them grow up to go on to better things in there life some of them went on to pro ball. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh someone said you play goft also are u eny good smiles
  10. Dayton,i do agree with you on some of that.BUT i love to watch game tapes and watch how my guys play D agnest there recivers.as kiven smith said at one time to me i just watch the OB feet that was one thing that helped.maybe you and TD can help me on this part, if you have a team that has speed like wo-s has this year would you like your DC backs to play tighter on the recivers
  11. TD,sorry my friend i cant leave austin.you know as well as i do what is hurting west orange and its (NOT THR RUNNING GAME).lets look back at west orange -start in the 80s no one like to put the ball in the air,becouse there were a few people at the corners that just loved to pick it off and go the other way smiles.TD that is what is hurting wo-s you know it and i do also.
  12. Gunho,were you in my PE class
  13. i agree with you all the way on that,it sad but true
  14. just think the mustangs must come to your house to play OMG.hooks has always said that is one place he dose not like to play at the tiger den
  15. i agree aggie.silsbee moved the ball very well that night.but you guys have a super QB that keep the stings off balance all night
  16. yep i am with you on that one,thats what gilmer did last year ,5 tds by air express .wos had poor pass coverage that day but it seems like its becoming a habit more and more.the mustangs need some ball hawks back there
  17. ok now lets start like this.agnest silsbee was it the running of the tigers that made it that close of a game . #2 now gilmer,did thay run wild over the mustangs.now you tell me what the mustangs must do to make this team state champs, i know do you
  18. :) ;D ;D ;D dang i like that lol.hay speveto, have you ever seen the kid at west orange play and are you sure he is 6ft 2. :o :o
  19. speveto, i just turned onto KOGT lol ;D
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