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Everything posted by skipper

  1. you coaches that look over this board ,COME ON and ring that phone at orangefield.you know its not a sin to drop from 4A to 3A is it guys.if you relly love the game of football and think you can handel this job come on and do it for the kids there that are looking for a leader someone thay can pride in(IS IT YOU) time is running out fast now dont let these kids down,thay need a leader someone that takes pride in themself and put the kids (FIRST)
  2. man oh man,i feel so bad for the kids at orangefield.there ia alot of good kids returning on this years team and thay work very very hard to make the best out of this mess THAT SOMEONE at OF has shaddard these kids dreams aand thats such a shame dont you think. (THAT SOMEONE I HOPE THIS MAKES YOU FEEL GOOD) now go stand in front of these kids and say it was me that started this,i am sure that your proud of yourself------------------- YOU ARE A JURK
  3. i am not trying to be a smart butt about this but how can you say the bobcats will be fine you lost me on that one,but if you say so i wish you the best
  4. > > > :( :( this is so sad he is such a good man and coach
  5. smitty ,thats what i would like to know also it just not like him to do this
  6. how long did he know about this job are did it just pop up over night
  7. but why now a head coach just jumps up and leaves.
  8. it sounds to me that there are alot of unhappy coaches at orangefield.to me this is not the best of times to just pack up and leave ,so meny kids have alot of faith in there coaches and worked so hard for them ,and this is what thay get in return what a shame.if i am out of line on this tell me so ,how long is it tell orangefield first game
  9. GOD ,rest his soul and my prayers are for his familey and his friends
  10. OK OK OK lets say we are new kids on the block and are on the school board------------------------ whats should we do first to get things going right way for the school.(OH WHO ) can tell me how west orange got soooooooooooooooooooooooo far in the hole, give me a name are two
  11. hummmmmmmmmmmm wow----------------------------thanks
  12. THIS HAS ME STUMPED.i see all the new houseing going up on S.HW87 a HW 105.most of you that live in pinehurst have seen this and off MLK dr ,and most all of them now are full :o. friday when i was at the du pont credit union i asked what was going on with all the new building going on ,and i was told this is not the end of it more to come.and all this time i was told people were moveing out , to me it dont look like it someone tell me whats up
  13. gilmer,had little tuff time running the ball (BUT) had a field day passing the ball 60 yards down field. gilmer had some very sure hands people at the WR thay made it look easy.wo-s killed themself late in the 3QT and 4th,never seen the kids drop some meny passes.iif i can look back ,i know of 3 are 4 that thw kids were so wide open it would SHOCK YOU. well all thats in the past WE LOST not the fiest time are will it be the last. now bring on LC-M and coach crouch thats the one i would love to see
  14. TD,i am with you on that.the kids at wo-s are very shook up after thay found out that are going to haft to start paying to use the rest rooms.my nice said she is going to tranfere to bridge city ;D
  15. yes thw PN-G and WO-S match up would be a very exciting game.over the years dan hooks would be the first to tell you when those two get togather WATCH OUT enything can happen two super programs ,i for one would love to bring them two togather agan
  16. :o :o wow somebody better back up ,how about dayton very good fan support super coaching but still need to out newton and wo-s somewhere in there thay are not all that bad
  17. at first i said NED and WO-S but i have changed it to LC-M and WO=S .becouse i would like to see if coach crouch has a new plays are the same he ran at west orange
  18. whats this about the school board is going to start to make people pay for parking for the games what a sad thing.
  19. this is in the makeing als a new adm offic so out dated new chairs new Pc small stuff like that
  20. this might sound strange to some.all i here about is the decline in students at WOISD ,but the school board is still building larger and better elem school and knocking down the front of wo-s building . i would like to know where are all the students comming from to fill up these class rooms. i feel sure that all this construction is free lmao at the school board. well coach hooks and his staff now i see why the board has cut out the bushing tell me agan if i am out of line on this one.to u guys on the school board what is the next suprise are you going to give us ,i know now $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ does not mean enything to you just keep suprising us WHATS NEXT maybe a new bus barn
  21. aggie , you are right on that lots of good ones in 5A
  22. kicker,i am sure thay are up at the top 5 we might ask dave cambell he would know PS but he dose not care for wo-s are eny of the people that work for him
  23. i look at it this way,sports is a after school thing you (MUST PASS TO PLAY ) and its up to the teachers to see and do there best to get every kid to (PASS and MAKE GOOD GRADS). no matter if thay play sports are not. if the teachers cant do this the school board must take action agnest some of the teachers and thay will not do that i dont think.the school board is only after one thing and we all have read about it . if i am out of line on this post tell me
  24. this is the bad part folks.its sad when you have school board members that will not even come out on eny sporting events.these people refuse to support these kids that work there hearts out and try to be the best thay can be,and for the pride of there school
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