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Everything posted by skipper

  1. man oh man. i cant belive some of the things SOME PEOPLE (NOT ALL) but a few are saying . the best one i herd was this one ,if he can put up all those points at west orange no reason he cant do the same at LC-M.i looked at him and just smiled and say give the man time rome was not built in a day
  2. DP, you just might be right about this. we all must just sit back and watch this unfold and hope for the best for the kids.lc-m is loaded this year and should make the payoffs easy and i was in SHOCK yesterday when a super lc-m fan for a long time told me even with moody thay would make the playoff this year
  3. THIS IS GOING TO MAKE SOME KIDS (MAD AS HELL).the kids that have stuck it out say the ONLY REASON WAS thay liked there coaching staff NOT MOODY. at this point what i have been told the school board is very happy with there coaches thay have in place now. if this is the truth i can SEE A STORM coming up and folks thats not the way things should go. i had a feeling this might happen ,lets hope for the best
  4. ;D ;D ;D sounds cool to me. but TD he has some supele there already,and i feel like the kids can work hard for them becouse thay know them and TRUST THEM. it would be a slap in the face to one of the coaches there vdont you think
  5. i am a BAD loser lets let it be a small drink.as u can see in my picture i was not in a good mood
  6. you got a bet.you mean to tell the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ is better at lc-m for someone to leave one of the best high school programs in the state of texas ,dang i love winning to much and dont like the presser of loseing lol
  7. talk is that coach crouch will keep his coaching staff he has now becouse (ALL THE KIDS) like them and get along with them.
  8. :o :o thats a good one lol
  9. that part i like .well looks like i might haft to come out of retirement lol
  10. how meny of you think that coach hooks will find it hard to find someone to fill there shoes the ones that leave.
  11. 77. thats what the talk is all about now at lc-m getting him back . i feel sure that coach crouch already it and busting his tail to get him there dont you think. coach crouch knows what he needs and is looking for and it might be him
  12. i am sure going to miss-----------------------3rd down and one THE 40 yard bombs LOL LOL LOL.if toby gets this OC job ,we will see this-----------------3rd down and one ,then watch them move the stickd. if toby get it witch HE should we will see more of a ball control team. more and more high schools teams are starting to use this and i for one would like to see it at w0-S. i was always in shock and wounded why we passed on 3rd down and 1 then had to punt ,a change is on the way HOLD TIGHT MUSTANGS FANS
  13. let me tell every one this .(TF) better get this job that coach crouch left behind .if not (WO-S) IS IN (BIG) TROUBLE mark my word. coach hooks is a smart man i got a good feeling about this SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DO IT SOON. PS hurry up coach i am about to have a nervis brake down
  14. speveto,there is a new gun slinger in town and looks like he has fresh stuff to give and hooks likes what he sees and so will the mustang fans.i did not know this till yesterday ,there are some tranfers that have come over from west texas schools ,there dads work road construction NO NAMES WERE GIVEN so i dont know who thay are. speveto you should know this ,the mustangs are going to be loaded for the next couple of years you nknow it i do also.OMG i had to go to the weight room to give a friends child a ride home I AM STILL IN SHOCK looked liked WWF
  15. go to dan hooks office and ask him who will get the OC job.then watch the smile pop up on his face, and loseing coach crouch ,the wo-s football program will (NOT) lose a step just ask the DC at west orange stark.
  16. wow ,you guys at lc-m do things in a big ways. looking back when moody became coach. you had a big party for him at the football field had 5,000 people there i think smiles. i just hope you can bring more than just 5,000 for coach crouch,TD and myself will be there you can count on that PS -------------WE ARE UNDER A BURN BAN LOL
  17. now that you have one of the better coaches around and have a ton of SR how many games do u think you will win this year.like it was said at lunch today (IF) we can win one game we will have a winning season i am hopeing maybe you guys can win over centrel, pn-g and vidor.but next year u should have alot coming back also maybe a playoff year for you guys. PS TD dont forget i am a mustang fan lol ,i am just hopeing coach crouch with his tuff program can get ride of some of the lazy ones and find himself a bunch of kids that will give it all thay got, crouch dose not take no crap from kids school board are parents
  18. i was just kidding coop, whatch your blood presser smiles
  19. coach dyer ,is staying at wo-s last word and the running back coach has to much coming back to leave,BUT you nevetr know he might eaven coach thompson dont you think ;) francis dont kill me for saying that
  20. now he must put a coaching staff togather and its not going to be easy.i was told this morning he would like to keep most of the staff moody had ,is this TRUE i would think not
  21. this is NOT GOING TO WORK at (WO-S).one of the school board members is going to be big time very upset and is calling the UIL and telling them that thay are on a tight budget sooooooooooooooooooo redo it then send it to them to ok it.
  22. :) ;D ;D it sure looks that way dont it lol lol
  23. well TD,i went to lutcher stark hight school was a tiger both of my girl went to lc-m smiles.but i am ones of the best fans that the mustangs can have,i just love to be a mustang. i have some very good friends at lc-m ,i try to back them also smiles i hope that helped out some TD i know you are BIG fan also of the mustangs and u help out as much as you can at the school when u can find time and that makes u a super mustang fan. i hoope we can meet one day and you can say and lol thats the guy that cant spell
  24. this go around i will but last NO
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