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Everything posted by skipper

  1. i am just a dumn old country boy and needs a little help on this one.i was reading up on coach crouch .and all the good he has done over his years being a coach and i asked myself WHY did lc-m school board over look him for coach moody not even close lol and us wo-s fans talk about our school board NOT EVEN CLOSE.
  2. we as mustang fan have been blessed to have had coach RANDY CROUCH as long as we have. the man has given the fans at west orange stark alt to cheer about over the years he has been with us and put up with our crap.COACH RANDY CROUCH my the blessing of GOD be with you and your familey your a good one my friend.i feel like he will get lc-m going agan just give him a little time he will make you a winner
  3. as one of the boster club members said today, now if we can only get them back out for football we just might be in fine shape in a couple of years.he knows randy and knows he likes kids to be in good shape like he made them at wo-s and that worried him tuff tuff program he runs,better be ready to run run run run and run some more.
  4. if thay do lose one are maybe two thats NOT GOING TO (STOP) the mustangs . i feel sure that dan new this MIGHT happen he is no FOOL.i know who will take over for randy ,but not for sure yet who will be the others if eny. PS hooks new last year that he might lose him so he made the call and looks like it all will work out just fine at this time.
  5. randy,loves a team with speed he might haft to change up things at lc-m and go more to a power running game.randy has been VERY VERY BLESS with speed at wo-s over the years with the mustangs and he will not have this in bear country the best to coach crouch and his new team
  6. laying all the kidding over to the side.i for one must say theschool board did a super job on this one .RANDY will do u guys there at lc-m a super job,he is one of the better ones around. GOOD LUCK COACH. PS its going to be hard for him to get ride of the silver and blue in his blood
  7. 77,thats a good post lol but i am sure thay will find someone dont you think. its heck and a bad feeling when u only lose one game a year for the past 4 years are something like that maybe thay can blam it on the school board for making the kids walk home
  8. (NO ONE) he is going to keep all the lc-m coaches as i was just told, but we will see who from lc-m who will stay with him
  9. TD ,now he can stand on the side lines not in the press box. i have always liked the guy nice familey man and knows his football, but he cant have FRANKS AND THE OTHERS lol lol just kidding. LC-M and WO-S first game are 2nd this season
  10. LOOK AT ALL THE SMILEING FACES IN MUSTANG LAND.please hire him lc-m hay TF get that smile off your face lol. PS boy oh boy thay did not look hard looks like he was a shoe in from the start
  11. pn-g did a good thing by getting a young coach one that knows how to win .thats what its all about hint nint lc-m
  12. another one of gods angles prayers from orange
  13. that would be super of you to do that thanks
  14. this is there job to find this out
  15. wow ,sorry my friend i just dont know.this would be good tp know if someone can find that out
  16. no no it was voted to be (BARCLAY)
  17. your very welcome . i found this out on WINKIPDIA web page go to search
  18. in 1947 the BIG BOPPER,was a starter on the def line for the beaumont royal puples football team #85 .
  19. how deep a hole is this school board in and looks like the lady on the board has been sweet talked from someone .i can see now she is NOT a LEADER no longer just a YES PERSON to someone what ashame. some of the people in the lc-m area are saying that thay have boo boo and are trying to hide it
  20. dose the school board get a cal allance to go to meeting if so how much
  21. only t v station that had something was ch 6 kfdm. i just wounder if eny of his x team members showed up and eny of his coaches
  22. did enyone on the board make his funeal. my prayer are with his familey and GOD REST HIS SOUL
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