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Everything posted by skipper

  1. coop, i have a friend with the CIA he says he has a copy ;D
  2. this is getting a little out of hand dont you think.is PN.G asking help from there fans (NO) but thay should . the lc-m school board is lost in space ,please come down to earth you are voted in by your people do your job
  3. add this up. take one doller from each ticket sold on the home side of football ,basketball, baseball ,softball and see what you come up with at the end that might help dont u think PS not even sure that would work.PS why did the tickets jump from five dollers to six just asking ,where did that extra doller go to, just asking
  4. this is a first never seen this done by a school board. now thay can point the finger at you lol. SMART THINKING LC-M school board
  5. dont run no buses all all ,park them let the parents get them to school and then lets see how that pans out
  6. i agree with you TD he will do a fine job.things are looking up at wo-s in all there sports programs dont you think
  7. $1.oo bus ride i told u how it can be done so do it.PS what do u tell a singel parent that has NO WAY to pick up her child to go fly a kite we dont care your child can walk home in the dark its only 10 miles
  8. these schools care for the safty of there kids.
  9. u got it my friend. you read in the paper more how kids are it and killed by drunks in cars, but it looks like some on the school board turn there heads to that page
  10. the $1.00 WILL NOT BRAKE THE SCHOOL.
  11. cant make the meeting sorry. but if the school board would take $1.00 back out from each home football ,baseball,basketball and put on the bus ride home for the kids that need a ride. i am not sure you can do that but it sounds good.
  12. both are good and know there stuff the best to lc-m on this one
  13. be upfront with us ,who would u like.
  14. what i was told berry, gave him the ok but his wife has a good job there this is starting to heat up now
  15. how long ago has it been since wo-s and lumberton has played each other
  16. once lc-m hires there coach,i am getting excited about his asst coaches staff AS WE ALL KNOW its not how good you might be you BETTER GET YOURSELF A (GOOD COACHING STAFF) just ask the coach over in mustang land ,he will tell you in a heart beat
  17. i like harrell. a very fine oc coach BUT LONG is the total package and u can take that to the bank
  18. wo-s and vidor. its always a dog fight tyhere fot the mustangs always
  19. has been the hardest to beat over the years for your team
  20. man oh man this is going to be fun to watch. i feel sure the lc-m school board is haveing a tuff time sleeping and with a couple of the best still holding out ,these people are going to haft to see a nerve doctor after this is all over .
  21. whats next for this young man.what i was told he puts on his WO-S tshirt when running at the track
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