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Everything posted by skipper

  1. i agree with u on the OC at west orange-stark ,but look what he has there to work with he has it all. sorry to sAY THIS BUT LC-M IS NO WHERE CLOSE.this is what the fan will look for out of him but it just not happen at lc-m sorry.
  2. 77 thats something to think about
  3. coach hooks could run for mayor and i do belive he would win .mr hooks loves his kids and will fight to the end for them and there parents
  4. are u sure about coach long
  5. hay guys over in sulpher springs you sound like a bunch of little kids playing in your toy box.you can talk all day long how BIG and FAST and all the powerhouse teams you played this year lol lol but i know better as most of the fans in dayton know also ,so stop blowing smoke.come this weekend you guys there in ss will see what east texas football is all about this should be a very close game. my best to both teams
  6. keep it going lamar we in orange county are behind you
  7. i agree with you on that one coop
  8. with all wo-s has comming there way in the next 3 years both on off and def mercey me watch out
  9. at pn-g are lc-m how bad will this set dan hooks program back :-X
  10. as the coaching staff at wo-s will tell you he is one heck of a hard worker SMART team player and one of the nices kids you will ever meet. its been our pleaser this year to watch this young man play the game he loves ,the best to you young man
  11. now your talking ,i can see this is going to get good
  12. i have not looked
  13. thats your sports writters in dallas and houston my friend ,thay could care less about us in this part of texas. BUT let it be bad stuff we make the front page of there sports page
  14. smiles i already said that in a early post not guilty judge
  15. i agree with that my friend---------------GET IT STARTED LC-M are you will be left out in the cold.its not only a head coach you will be looking at he needs time put his staff togather and that also takes time
  16. we ALL are behind you just bring it home
  17. lol the football gods were not good to kirbyville are wo-s but our day is comming I HOPE
  18. i feel both teams will rebound and have a great year in 2009
  19. will the 2009 game be played in kirbyville .i do belive it was going to be this year but IKE said no
  20. more than likley wo-s by 14 are more
  21. IKE took care of this one for us we will never know.if kirbyville and wo-s would have got to play this year ,who would you have picked. JUST FOR FUN NO HARD FEELINGS) both teams are super and hats off to you guys at kirbyville
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