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Everything posted by skipper

  1. not sure about this but i think he will app for the pn-g job also
  2. gabe,i agree with you my friend.coach © is a very fine and smart coach i myself have always liked the man. the type of offense he runs takes alot of speed to run and that lc-m dose not have and i dont see it down the road. i am just kidding on what i am about to say,coach hooks might not let him go he has alot to work with AT WO-S in years to come, but who knows
  3. why would u pick him just asking thats all
  4. i see TIVY,gives up a few points in some of there games .i feel like dayton can stay on the field with them dont you think
  5. no presser last week becouse of all the holding. new bunch of ref this week lol lol just kidding i feel gilmer did not hold all the time last week
  6. long night for gilmer so 3Adownlow says
  7. smiles so do i.it heck when you get your car stolen ,lose your girlfriend and get locked out of the house in one day,but it will get better I HOPE later my friend
  8. lol well i am haveing a bad day my friend marry christmas
  9. hay PAL not running my mouth so if u would like to talk to me message me
  10. you better FIND a person with (HEAD COACHING EXP) if not your boat is still sinking. juist look over at pn-g those guys are looking for someone that is a head coach not a OC. man oh man lets get it togather guys there at lc-m,the clock is ticking.the lc-m faithfull are looking for someone that has been a proven leader as a head coach
  11. ;D oh he will be around take that to the bank
  12. LET ME SAY THIS.there is (NOT) alot of talk about wo-s offense and this part SHOCKS ME.this group of kids CAN RUN and PASS agnest enyone in the state.this group of kids are what we call CAT Quick, this is why we sit here in the office and are shaking our heads and asking why not much is said about the west orange-stark offense unit. we all know about there defense thats just hafe the deal .when you put the two togather its going to be a long day are night for other teams.now this part ,there WR some of the best in the state but no talk about them WHY.my brother and sisters if you like speed watch these kids, but you got to look fast are u will miss it.
  13. GILMER ITS TIME .as elvis would say if your looking for trouble you came to the right place ,if your looking for trouble look into my face .just a joke my friends be carefull going to the game . hope this will be a good one
  14. not sure if this is true,you guys at west orange-stark let me know about this. talk her in austin is that kevin smith and deon sanders will be on your teams sidelines.but i do know this is true beasley and thomas will be there .as i see it at this point the mustang (MUST) find a pass defense to stay with gilmer
  15. all of you that know coach brooks are blessed.this man is one of a kind never meets a stranger and always has a smile on his face.wo-s was very blessed to have him for such a short time ,the man knows his football and always has a kind word to say about his football team and others also
  16. i would love to be in the locker room of gilmer and see what jeff has to say to his kids. then run over to west orange and see what dan has to say
  17. ALL OF US LETS SMILE and thank GOD we can have fun on this.lets just relax hahaha ,i cant can u lol
  18. same back to you my friend.
  19. very well put.this kid when he makes up his mind to do things omg watch out,but we have still not seen the best of him ,that will come saturday
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