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Everything posted by skipper

  1. i wounder how bad the austin news papers will try to down the mustangs this year.those guys never have enything good to say about wo-s-----------DONT LIKE THEM :)
  2. HOW DID (MEXIA) pile up so much yards agnest (GILMER) was it on the ground are in the air
  3. lets talk gilmer.#1 this team will be so fired up it will scare you just watching them warm up before kickoff #2gilmer knows that wo-s has a good defence but there coaching staff will not let them forget that thay are powerhouse of offence themself and it is wo-s that must stop them not themself. #3gilmers coaches will tell there kids all the presser will be on wo-s not them just play gilmer football and u go to the next round. PS now your turn to add to this if u care to
  4. west orange-stark are at this mountian agan.these kids at west orange-stark have tryed very very hard to get to the top of it for years but just CANT FIND the long rope to get them over the top to the other side this time. its like this two boxes with two ropes only one has the long one,just hope we can find the long one this time.
  5. super year nederland this mustang fan is proud of all you guys
  6. this young man has what it takes and he says to himself i know i can do better and will be better each game watch for this young man becouse he is not even scared of the devil himself he plays smart football has his eyes on the football at all times that part i like
  7. the mustang OC and coaching stall of wo-s are in the WAR ROOM as we speak. gilmer is one of the better teams in the state WE know it thay know it.as i stated at the first of this season there is something about this bunch of kids at wo-s that not eaven there coaching staff can figer out,and we as mustang fans are in the same boat as the coaches. more to come as i look over some more film of gilmers skill people
  8. did someone say that gilmer runs the WING T ;) :D
  9. GOOD POST super job guys and gals
  10. hay speveto,i told you about getting key boards from goodwell.i do understand what you were saying we all try to have fun on this so just relax my friend all in fun. PS i for one dont care how you type no big think just look at my spelling lol lol .got to go now have pills to take and blonds to chase ,its heck to get old cant catch them no more lol ,all of u have a safe weekend and hope your team wins bye
  11. :) thank u very much hope i dont haft to bring my high blood presser pills with me your a pal thanks agan
  12. we saw most of the wo-s team come into the stands and were sitting with there coaches, hummmmmmmmmmm maybe will play each other in 2009
  13. the clock is ticking,its put up are shut up time . there will be no tomorrow for one of the two of us,so lets get it on . wing t are defense this should be one heck of a football game.if the kids at wo-s cant stop caldwells wing t ,its going to be a long ride home. BUT if caldwell, cant stop the mustangs speed its lights out early my friends.
  14. alot of good things are starting to happen at wo-s.wo-s is starting to get the look of the 80s back alot is comming back ,haveing more and more kids come out for football and all the other sports at west orange-stark. now lets see the jv teams has super speed in there backs and wide recivers and the QB watch out for this kid ,he will be a D-1 player watch and see.as for the OL yes BIG and for DL not so sure if coach thompson likes them all that big.
  15. super fan support tonight for both sides,good to see that
  16. ;D ;D ;D oh how i wish
  17. enyone that has watched wo-s play this years first off see the mustangs come running out on the field and jump all over each other lol.after that the kids go to the end of the field and (pray ) for there teanmates to keep them safe ,coaches and fans.if you will look around in the stands you will see alot of other people praying with them . thats what you call familey THE FEW THE PROUD THE MUSTANGS
  18. as i have said , wo-s coaches have never let the kids down AND THE KIDS WILL (NOT) LET THEM DOWN. how dose the song go WE ARE FAMILEY
  19. lol lol its a dang habit sorry (or)
  20. watch for me,i will have my wo-s hat on gray hair lol go KIRBYVILLE
  21. dose gate$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ make your team better are is it playing stronger teams
  22. OK ITS TIME FOR ME TO SAY THIS #1 wo-s dose have the defense to stay with caldwells very good offense we know it thay know it. #2 this is the part that upsets me the most, what offense will we see friday ,the GOOD are the BAD.from what i have been told from friends in austin, caldwell has a fair defense, but if wo-s can play some offence and get caldwell out of there game plan it will be a long night for them if this should happen.in closeing i do belive its going to be on the shoulders of the mustangs OC he and his spotters (MUST PLAY SMART FOOTBALL)
  23. :)oh i try very hard to that young man .hay i am not all that bad,just rying to get it down cant give these guys a short field to work with dont you think
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