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Everything posted by skipper

  1. dose texas tech run this type of offense also
  2. dayton,big time in this one
  3. caldwell, is a run happy team and do a good job at it if i might say so.both caldwell and west orange-starl both can put up alot of points it looks like. in closeing you dont become the #1 DEFENSE in the state of texas on your looks
  4. GO ------------------ WB the mustangs are wishing you the best
  5. i hope gilmer can make it to us have faith my friend. the mustangs will not let you down
  6. would love to see who you would like to key on this comming week. ;)
  7. :) :) gilmer can do what thay like but must stand in line.we all know what gilmer has ,but wo-s CANT AND WILL NOT think about gilmer at all.CALDWELL comes first and we may never know how it will be agnest gilmer if we dont get past this very good caldwell team.
  8. looking at coldsprings pictures lastnight ,scared the heck out of me looked like we were playing the UT football team .ater the game i asked one kid about the size of coldsprings ,he SAID SIZE dose not matter to the mustang football players
  9. this old mustang fan says just do it nederland we all have faith in you.we as mustang fans know you can do it just play harder than you did this week and you will still be playing before christmas
  10. this was very easy to see all night (YOU CANT) do that.coldsprings is a very good football team as we all saw ,very BIG and fast on defense but still did not help.coldsprings has this running back who is SUPER he just keeps running over people ,he dont care who it is he runs over.yes coldspings had super speed in there backfield ,but wo-s defense put some big time hits on them all night.this was as a super game by the mustangs defense, when you can go one on one with a back like coldspings has and take him down you have done your job. in closeing the OC at wo-s did not show coldspring alot lastnight i wounder why hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :o
  11. caldwel,l had a bye this week so thay have had alot of time to get ready for wo-s dont you think. lastnight at deer park all the coaching staff and i would say about ten of there kids watched a sub par mustang team play. caldwell has a very good football team ave 45 points a game so i have been told and have only lost 3 games this year,but also been told lots of points have been put on them not sure if this is true are not
  12. coldsprings has a very large offence line this year .this will be a large test to see if the mustangs can handel guys twice there size. if you can think back to the BR game then you will not be shocked at there size.
  13. i can see now that the coaching staff of coldsprings have spent alot of time in the film room.this shows me he is so much like his dad and that is what makes him a good coach.so now i see the coaches have been watching the mustangs QB hummmmmmmmmmmm that part i like this will open other things the mustang OC can put in now to there game plan. as its been told me a few weeks back you just (CANT KEY) on just one kid or they will eat your lunch
  14. ;D ;D ;D 8) 8) : i dont care how you type my friend
  15. dan, would like one more before he hings up his spurs .i for one would like for him to stick around a few more years
  16. you got me rolling STOP ;D ;D ;D
  17. i sure do miss the dome dont you
  18. what if i take 146 will it be longer that way
  19. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D lol lol lol lol
  20. looks like i better make a call to my X girlfriend tina she is a dallas cowboy cheerleader and she can meet me and bring the blanket.this way i will get alot of people around me and brake the wind lol
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