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Everything posted by skipper

  1. kirbyville has to much firepower 3 tds easy GO CATS
  2. this wo-s fan says silsbee by 3 tds GO TIGERS
  3. man oh man thay are bad lmto .but i will say this about them----------------- sure were BIG
  4. is it true the only team to beat them this year was wo-s and are thay in the playoffs
  5. COLDSPRINGS IS A VERY GOOD FOOTBALL TEAM and the west orange-stark fans know this,we saw this from you last year .wo-s had a fair defense last year that keep the mustangs in the game with you guys but this year might be a little diffrent becouse the offence is starting to come around and if that happens watch out
  6. keep us up on what is going on
  7. Mustangs say GO NEDERLAND we have faith in you JUST DO IT
  8. coach brooks and his coaching staff will find away to win this one. i would love to be a defense coach for jasper in this one.i just dont think one guy will beat jasper,LH better be ready to get DOG BITE as a wo-s fan i wish jasper all the best make it happen jasper
  10. first off let me get this out of the way my hats off to kirbyville you guys are top notch football team with some of the best coaches around super fans. its just a shame that the two schools could not play this game ,becouse it would have been a head knocker the way i see it who knows how it would have turned out maybe next year we can see two of the best get after it .ok now let me say this about silsbee football team,yes the kids from silsbee took the mustangs to the limits ,one of the best games i have seen in a long time and i do belive you can ask eny west orange fan this and thay will tell you the same thing as i have said super fans super coaches at silsbee.NOW LET ME SAY THIS TO THE GUY that said west orange-stark has played no one good this year-----------go see a head doctor my friend PS go mustangs go wildcats hope to see both teams bring home the gold PS agan sorry for the spelling lol just to keep you guys on your toes lol
  12. kirbyville #1 in the state has lots of speed and size very AND a very good coaching staff .WO-S #3 in the state lots of speed not a big football team VERY well coached and has one if not the best defense in the state
  13. this is not going to be easy for wo-s. coldsprings is big and fast
  14. sorry==============================yes more presser dang i messed that one up
  15. would you say kirbyville because of being #1 in the state ARE would you say wo-s because of there top ranked defense?
  16. job well done just keep up the good work GO MUSTANGS
  17. this was outstanding. i watched lc-m but this had them beat by a long shot my hats off to all who took part in this.things are starting to come back at wo-s like the good old days. looks like the days of west orange-start haveing a small football team might be over soon but dang thay are still fast as ever and will ge faster. where in the worlde are these kids coming from oh coach T i still like the silver and blure pants like the good old day PS bring the mask man back.good luck to orangefield and west orange stark
  18. love to see it myself
  19. dose i look good down the line for lc-m
  20. with all the SR coming back at lc-m i do belive moody will be there next year.it would be ashame to bring in a new coach and program with what the bears are going to have TELL ME I AM NUTS
  21. well yes he dose in away lol everyone dose block just dont look like it
  22. and i am shocked at this wow thats a MUST got to happen in a hurry if not to late already.
  23. its the mustangs OL that is hurting them.we have see it as mustan fan and were hopein it could be fixed but now i just think its to late to fix it
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