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Everything posted by skipper

  1. i wish the kids and there fans the best in this one
  2. all i did was ask thats all.he did not play last week wanted to see if he has got it togather this week
  3. WO-S has Some Kids Still Hurt Dose Anyone Know If Garrett Will Play Are Not.It Dont Look Like Coach Hooks Will Retire Anytime Soon. The Mustangs Look To Be Loaded For The Next Couple Of Years To Come
  4. yes LV did put it to us i agree with you on that,but still hope we can play them.whats the old saying live and learn ,i wish the stangs the best this year just hope we can keep them on there on 35yard line this time if we can get far in the playoffs
  5. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh NO hope thay stay in D2 thay lucked out last year and thay know it
  6. sure hope waco la vaga wins so we can get another shot at them
  7. at this point looks to be 50/50 if no one gets hurt
  8. over the past three years what is his record if he has one more than three games thay might re new him
  9. the stangs still have 3hard games in front of them to play :D . if these kids win all there games ,who might be there first game be with TEXAS ARE LSU just kidding you tell me
  10. TD your BAD SHAME ON U lmao
  11. and where will this game be played enyone know
  12. over the years looking back it has not been the run that has hurt wo-s its been there PASS DEFENSE and this year thay still lack it.i do not know what its going to take but i think u better hurry and fix it if u can
  13. i wish BC football team and the city of BC the best . mustangs by alot in this one
  15. did HF get a 100 yards at all tonight.let me tell u this,there was some BIG TIME HITS in this game man oh man
  16. you got to be kidding ,the band and drill team got to take the school buses i take i
  17. OK NOW, lets put this all to rest. looking down the road at lc-m there is not alot to smile much about,yes some big kids but with no SPEED and the type of football that is played now by much of the teams that are winning around thay are BIG and STRONG and LOTS OF SPEED.let look at vidor BIG yes not slow this year like in the years past i do belive thayplay power football just run it at you and see if you can stop them a few fast backs and wide out that can catch the ball and get it downfield.OK now back to lc-m you guys have alot of jrs on your team this year and if coach moody leaves and a new coach comes in he will bring a diffrent look and it will take time to do this.the best to you there in bear country in the years to come
  18. wo-s did not get past the 50 all of the 4qt and you cant have that and expect to win state cant have turnovers inside your own 20 yard line thats a no no. coop u might tee me if i am nuts but i dont think wo-s got past the 50 all the 4th
  19. WO-S MUST COME UP BIG TIME with there pass def,last year it was so so as it is this year. in the 4qt agnest waco la vaga last year the mustangs had to meny 3 and outs CANT HAVE THAT late in playoff games. i would love to see both of them play agan and hope the play calling gets better lol lol
  20. at this point,whats going to stop you from winning state.will it be the play calling or maybe your team might not match up with other schools in the playoffs,or is it your passing game stinks you lets us know what might stop you. PS what team would you like to have a rematch with
  21. LOL west orange-stark dont care if the field has 5 inc of water on it JUST MAKES IT BETTER thay have jet skies zooooooooooooooom past you . you better get the water hose and put more water on it lmto
  23. deweyville should have won the game over HF END OF STORY PS (YES DEWEYVILLE)
  24. well heck i was hopeing for another OT game we are 1-0 in overtime ball control that is what HF likes to play but i saw them agnest deweyville do brelive thay one in overtime also 1-0 lol
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