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Everything posted by skipper

  1. lastnight at LC-m we watch the bears blocking skills (VERY VERY POOR) no leadership in the coaching staff. we only saw one coach that was excited all the game NOT GOOD to see that the bears are very very slow and things will not get eny better for them from what we can see and thats sad. the kids keep looking at the coaches and raising there hands to go in but were pulled back very sad for the kids that bust thetre buns every practice and dont get the chance to play even one down and thats sad also.
  2. friday night WO-S saw alot off SPEED and looked what happned another close game for the mustangs it loos like a team with SEED brings out the best in wo-s turn overs will be the key this might be close if the mustangs come out flat best to both teams
  3. this was a VERY GOOD TEST for WO-S football team.BR was a BIG and FAST on DEF the kids from west orange-stark did a good job from what i saw ,but still have room for inprovement. the one thing that i saw is the the mustang CAN PLAY with the big boys #77 was something else,still at this point i dont even think dan hooks and his coaching staff know how good there mustangs be
  4. please somebody get this stright and dang hurry up
  5. LC-M people come support your kids thay need your .
  6. i am sure the stands will be packed on the LC-M side like it was last week dont you think
  7. WOW i was just told this not sure its true ,is the JV team bigger and faster than the thre BIG BOTHERS LOL cant be no way
  8. this is not going to be much of a game ,you can start your back ups and it will still be BAD.i feel for the kids at lc-m but its not in the cards for them
  10. i agree with you on that one my friend. the bad thing i have been told its going to take a LONG LONG TIME to get people back in the stands. DANG THE BANDS WERE SUPER
  11. YOU fans from pn-g did you guys look over at the lc-m stands and see alot of the people leaving befor hafetime that is soooooooooooooooo SAD
  12. steve is going into the(TEXAS SPORTS HALL OF FAME) way to go my friend.we all are very proud of you
  13. mrs slocum pass away in a rest home last week. she was a BIG STARK HIGH FAN back when her sons played football for the STARK HIGH TIGERS. she was a cheerleader in the stands
  14. prayrs go out to the R C SLOCUM familey SHE WAS A BIG TIME SUPPORTER OF HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL AT ONE TIME-------------------SORRY COACH
  15. Mustangs (BIG TIME) this is going to be a wild one i see it comming this is just the start folks .the dist better get ready for Thunder a Lighting becouse its on its way.the kids at wo-s just dont know how good thay can be dont you agree
  16. now he is one of gods angles watching over mom and dad my prayers are with them
  17. how about wo-s how dose it look over there
  18. ike is still aways out and models are not even close as i speak.ike has alot of space to work with. the steering currents are showing a loop as of yesterday. i was on the CC tv network and thay say that lke likes them the most this was as 12 pm today.ike if it makes landfall where thay say it would be almost 200 miles away from orange TELL ME IF THIS IS TRUE
  19. the models look to me that thay might shift more southwest
  20. what ever your drinking i would like some u say 35-7 kv winds what a hing over you are going to have lol lol
  21. looks too me like the modles are shifting a bit south are is it my eyes going bad. been watching them all day thay cant be off all that much
  22. it looks to me like the modles are droping a little more south are is just me .the modles cant be off that much at this time
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