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Everything posted by skipper

  1. the mustang defense (MUST PLAY SMART FOOTBALL) kirbyville is a big play team just like wo-s BUT it looks like the mustangs are trying to keep it on the ground more and more. the last thing coach hooks and his coaching staff do not like to see is a track meet.like it was told to me in a meeting i had to go to in houston,someone said when you look at the west orange stark DEFENSE your looking into the EYE OF THE TIGER the best too both teams
  2. lol lol my friend the best of luck too you and your team
  3. SUPER MOVE to both coaches
  4. lol baseball coach lol nope sorry been there done that ,just a fan that dose not like to sit in the rain might mess my hair up lol
  5. GOOD MOVE ON THERE PART (LET GET IT ON THURSDAY COACHES ) do this for your kids no one likes playing in the mud, it just takes away from the kids been there done that YUK
  6. NOT ME LOL.the way i see it if the weather is going to be that bad NO FANS IN THE STANDS. someone is going to lose$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ on this one maybe ,the fans from orange will not drive in all that mess
  7. Friday RAIN@ WINDY not good for the kids are fans i just hope its not lighting
  8. you guys and gals up in your part of the woods have a very good football team no getting it. you got SPEED and BIG that is what you have every years thats not new news dont you think.NOW as for wo-s , yes thay are always small but with speed all over the place even in the water boys and gals.the mustangs played a (VERY GOOD) nederland ball club two weeks ago and did not have that much trouble with the size of the dogs and there speed.nederland HAS ONE OF THE (BEST ) wide outs in the state of texas no getting around that my friends that kid is super good. OK NOW FOR THE WEATHER, looks like a muddy mess if we get the TS like thay expect this might all come down to (DEFENSE BATTLE) best of luck to both teams
  9. will we have rain friday night
  10. friday night is it going to rain are what
  11. if all goes to planed and Ike dont come to the game what i have been told he just might show up after all never did like him but Tina is a different story Lol.THE PONY EXPRESS WILL RIDE AGAN AND THE DEFENCE WILL BE LIKE Bees ON HONEY
  12. just keep pushing it south that will chang alot of things dont you think
  13. ARE YOU UPSET about something
  14. OMG IS THIS GOING INTO HOUSTON ARE FREEPORT (ARE TURN INTO ) US modles show galveston are houston over the weekend,i dont belive we atre going to get out of this one this is just my thinking
  15. i do not blame no one at lc-m i as a mustang fan wish them the best and the fans at lc-m are some of the best around. people can talk all day long what happned at west orange saturday let it drop ITS OVER so lets all of us go on to fridays game if IKE lets us
  16. what i can see is that KV has a very STRONG (DEF) thay dont give up alot of points do thay.no one can run are pass agnest them from what i see
  17. well heck i do belive KVs BIG brother IKE will show up and scare everyone away
  18. as of friday IKE WINS this one
  19. this might be a close game IF wo-s get behind early.the ONLY THING that will beat the mustangs is themself and (IKE) NOW YOU CAN TAKE THAT TO THE BANK MY FRIENDS------------------------END OF STORY
  20. from what i saw saturday night in west orange made my heart jump for joy all you had to do was look on the other side of the field and see all the people in the stands showing there support for the (KIDS).from what i saw the kids at lc-m wanted this game very very bad.yes i agree there were a few that let up but not stop fighting to stop the play. my prayers are with the young kid that got hurt i wish him a speedy recovery and to you fans at lc-m (NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR KIDS) your day will come
  21. JASPER beat themself i do belive the jasper folks will tell you just ask them
  22. sure wish i would haved saved the post from last year. same song as last SPEED on SPEED just like last :)
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