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Everything posted by skipper

  1. i have always like the thinking of Dan hooks when asked how his feeling were about the next team his mustangs were going to play.he will turn and look at you and say well we got a 50/50 chance in this one
  2. the young man will be in our prayers
  3. i might try it next time
  4. first off let me say this i am and always been a wo-s supporter that will never change. saturday night when the bears come running out onto the fieldi will stand up and show my support for you also ,as i will my mustangs.the football fans at lc-m are some of the best around and this week has been heck on them as well as the fans from wo-s, you have always played hard as a team and never gave up on yourself,i expect a good game agan between the bears and the stangs sorry for the spelling
  5. i dont know about the rest of you guys but come saturday night when lc-m comes onto the field i will stand up and show my support for the kids from there school. PS just dont kick me out of the stands ,lets all of us wo-s fans SHOW OUR SUPPORT FOR THE KIDS AT LC-M
  6. she is a lady with class and comes from a super familey
  7. Pauline, might have said todd this is your job NO REASON to do this when other schools have pulled togather and done it why cant we.are she might have said todd this dont look good for our school are our kids who you say you CANT GET THEM READY in time thats your JOB please think it over i am not pushing you i am asking you. are she might have said todd you are makeing lc-m the laffing stock of se texas please dont do this JUST PLAY THE GAME
  8. like i said (SHE) is a kind lady LOVES HER KIDS, LC-M is gifted to have her /we all in orange county are gifted to have someone like her
  9. no i am just trying to figer out WHY he is going to give (HIS KIDS) the chance to play after all the (HARD WORK) thay have put in not fair to them,young man thats all.i (LIKE) coach moody ,he had some bad brakes last yeari felt sorry for the kids and his staff END OF STORY
  10. bring it on it will make me happy might keep the storms away
  11. you guys in nederland will be fine belive me. you had some guys out in the wo-s game that made a diffrence i think. the dogs will get better each week just watch HAVE A BIG WIN THIS WEEKEND
  12. yes it was nice this AM at 6am it was 68 at my home i all most fliped out lol coop was hideing that one from us
  13. my friend i am with you on that ,even 60s will feel like heaven
  14. please please cool the nights off for us coop
  15. wow skip is smileing from cheek to cheek lol dang now i am bored
  16. i was there, lc-m did a fine job agnest ( BIG and FAST ) baytown lee team. the bears mad lee work for every yard and you that know the lee coach ask him if he was happy he would tell you no. the kids from lc-m stood there ground never backed off one that i saw.YES the bears do need work and that will come in time
  17. that is to be seen smiles well hech i can hope for the kid GO SWEETNESS
  18. this young man could become one if not the best running back in the state of TEXAS.he has the OL to do it and if you have not seen this kid run the football you are missing something. i dont know if he will ever have another 300 yard game but he will come near them,i saw a sign on a car saturday that read (300 yards for sweetness) hummmmmmmmmmmmm sounds like someone has a nick name for him
  19. it will not be hard to spot moody this year on the sidelines ,HE WILL BE THE ONE WITH THE (BAG) OVER HIS HEAD
  20. i just now got off the phone with a buddy from bridge city,he thinks this is super that moody is more worried about a team that did not win a game last year than wo-s . he says moody is worried about out coached by a coach that has only been in bridge city for 2 years,how long has moody been around lc-m and what is his record 4 wins maybe more you tell me
  21. thats good thats the way it should be
  22. heck on the phone call i went to go face to face and thay said he was not in his office and was not taking calls. i had to laff at one of the moms that wanted to see him she said we just put him on LIFE SUPPORT and the school board will pull the plug at the end of the season this lady was big time mad lol lol i was going to say to coach moody think about it play the game ,then i was going to leave but no dice
  23. very well put (TD)
  24. IF COACH MOODY SHOULD EAT HIS WORDS AND PLAY THIS GAME (YOU WILL SEE ALL THE MUSTAND FANS) stand UP as the bears come on the field belive me on this.the mustang fans know the feelings of the kids on lc-m and thay will support them as well watch and see
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