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Everything posted by skipper

  1. THE KIDS YES that is why we go to the games to support the kids
  2. i live in little cypress,and have been very proud of the FOOTBALL program over the years ,BUT THIS MOVE IS NOT CALLED FOR (BAD BAD ).my aunt who is a BIG TIME BEAR FAN for alot of years just tore her tickets up and let me tell you this ,she is 65 years old and always made the games . ok now lets talk about kids that have busted there butts for him and belived in him and this is what the kids get,what a shame.this year the program lost alot of kids i wounder why PLAY THE GAME COACH (NOT) for yourself FOR THE KIDS
  3. WE have been trying to call all morning no dice DONT CALL THE AD THE LINE IS BESY
  4. LC-M (SUPT) years back when she was a cheerleader at stark high school and her brothers who played football also at orange would have had a fit if this would had happned in her days. she is a very very smark women and cares for the kids at lc-m (ALL THE KIDS IN ORANGE COUNTY)
  5. GOOD POST (BEARMOM) coach step up and be a leader PLAY THE GAME
  6. who was your holder he did a wounderfull job lol
  7. OK GUYS after this post i will shut up #1 LC-M coaching staff has been at dayton and then over to orange to watch vidor and wo-s get after it and last week over to nederland. #2 it cant be that hard for a coaching staff to get ready for a five plays just cant be that hard. LETS JUST PLAY AND GET IT OVER. PS wo-s football team are there coaching staff are the mustang fans are NOT OUT FOR BLOOD that was a very POOR POST. (NO ONE) likes to see a kid hurt now i will shut up
  8. now the air is clear i did not know coach hooks was in agreement with coach moody that the game should not be played now i feel better . i was putting all the blame on coach moody but that was not the case
  9. yes he is SAD FACE
  10. yes it dose look that way (SMILES) i watched him over in dayton,just the few times he got to touch the football and (NO) blocking he still was ave over 5 yards per a pop NOT TO SHABBY
  11. i have always loved to go two nederland - pn-g football games the FANS are some of the best in the STATE OF TEXAS. now on the other hand some of the wo-s fan do not even stand up on kick offs are even show there support for the kids comming off the field after makeing a TD are a good defense stand lots of them just sit there on there hands as thay have done in the past.at one time years ago mustange fans were very loud but not now THATS WHAT YOU CALL SPOILED. PS i am not pointing the finger at all mustang fans
  12. will this young man have more than one 300 yard games i say yes .this kid is something else and with his OL who knows,he will get better and better and BETTER his OL (WILL SEE TO IT) now you can tell me i am nuts lol
  13. MOODY HAS NO REASON TO BACK OUT--------------------(NOT GOING TO BE ALL THAT BAD) and he knows it
  14. garrett has JUST STARTED he will run wild with his OL getting better each game
  15. is this storm going to make lanfall over a 125 miles from us i was just looking at the scale chart and are the strong winds on the east side
  16. thay did a very good job i am pleased at that.once the punter gets more hang time on his punts you will see alot of fumbles ,becouse of the mustangs speed down field
  17. yesterday the NHC were saying the strongest winds might be on east side of this storm i sure hope so,when RITA came in land what was she a 3 are 4 . if eny one would like to ck this out scoot over to the NHC web page
  18. it looks as if this storm just might let no one play on FRIDAY IF THERE IS NO (POWER).i do not relly know how bad it will be around us,what do u think
  19. lol my wife is telling me i am driveing her nuts
  20. i hope your team wins
  21. if it goes in where thay say we will stay
  22. i still think this will move a little to the east as it gets in warmer waters and things start to weaken to the north east.
  23. will this storm stay on track and move in around morgan,city then hug the LA-TX coast line are will it turn more to the east before landfall. boy oh boy this is getting harder and harder for the NHC to pin point
  24. the ganders look good on both sides off the ball yesterday.the DL has alot off speed for big guys and thats a plus on that part,as for the OL also fast and big i do think thay will do fine this year. now the QBs both plaqyed look prutty good on there passing game lots of speed on the wide outs
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