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Everything posted by skipper

  1. i look 4 wo-s to try and put the ball in the air thay MUST get that part down tonight .wo-s coaching staff will be taking a good LONG LOOK at it and see where thay need help on there blocking skills. with the wide outs the mustangs have this year it will be a shame if thay cant get that part down
  2. i wish someone would look into this WOW WOW this cant be . lc-m always brings out a large number of kids ,i am shocked if this is true :o :o
  3. i have this gut feeling this young man will put his name in the record books at west orang -stark
  4. two of the best football programs in texas getting after it ,what away to start the season. we as fans cant ask for enything better can we,two of the best coaches ,two of the best fans ,two schools with alot of PRIDE .i for one am very excited about this game, win are lose its going to be a good one and you can take that to the bank
  5. just make the call no names will be asked who u are help a kid save a life
  6. with foreman back and working with the QBs watch out
  7. what should the mustangs be looking for,will it be the running game are my be the air game that is if thay have one. as for nederland how well can thay cover the mustangs wide outs that is if the QB dont take off on them first.then it comes down to the mustangs running game .will nederlands BIG D be able to slow down the swift backfield of the mustangs. the kids at wo=s has lots rideing on this first game with a (VERY GOOD NEDERLAND TEAM) the best to both of them
  8. how is it going up your way
  9. :) ;D ;D ;D maybe watching the band OH SHAME ON ME
  10. HELLO LC-M Are You There
  11. thank you WOW am i behind times
  12. has vinton ever played a texas team
  13. LC-M hands down
  14. two of best in PN-G history
  15. this is getting good WOW
  16. #1 like to see kevin smith work with the corners at west orange-stark. STILL THINKING ON THE OTHER
  17. ;D ;D ;D ok i will remember that
  18. now your talking do u think thay would be good coaches also i feel like the kids would look up to them dont u think
  19. i know this is going to be a hard one for most of you
  20. if you could pick two players from the past years that have played for your school to come help out with your football team who might thay be.
  21. well i am going to stick my neck out on the chopping block and go with the kid from wo-s garrett i think thats his name---nick name little walter paton he has his style of running super balance not that good of speed just stays on his feet and keeps running.
  22. i agree with that (NEEDS WORK AND MORE WORK) if he can get that part down WATCH OUT
  23. sorry coop i know that post did not have enything to do with football dont delet me please
  24. i know STEROIDS are bad and but there are other things that are going around in our schools these days and very easy (EASY) for our kids to get there hands on it. i have a grandson i watch very close and relly gets him PO at me but as i have told him i need him to have a life and full feel his dreams of be comming someone not a number in the grave yard. just a few weeks back i was in houston and saw a drug deal going down at a stop and go store. i took the lic plat # and followed the car to south houston where the police stoped the car thay asked me on the cell phone to stop and back up and ID these people so i did. these kids in the car all 4 of them were under 17 years old ,as i told one of them u are the walking dead ,the office got put out at me what a shame end of story
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