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Everything posted by skipper

  1. pick up the phone and make so calls to some of the players from out of the past that you know. ask them to try and make this game if thay can and show the kids playing friday night how much the past mustangs love them and wish them the best. MUSTANG FOOTBALL IS FAMILEY this is what it is all about
  2. will coach hooks drop them this coming year and try and pick up someone else.
  3. waco la vega will be the first to tell you that the sports writter did not know what they are talking about by puting (GIDDINGS)as the #1 team in the state. the way they see it is thay have best defense in the state and the best running back you will ever see .and like one of the cats fron waco la vega said look at all the points thay put up every game thats becouse (NO ONE) stops the parr brothers NO ONE. and to end this story JUST LOOK AT WHO THAY HAVE PLAYED PS sorry for the spelling
  5. MY BOYS YOU CANT MAKE STOP NO ONE LAYING ON YOUR BACK. as K smith always told his team in the huddle (STAY ON YOUR FEET) not on your back and play SMART all eyes on the ball
  6. these people on 3A downlow are saying s e texas football is a joke
  7. :o :o :o ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh WOW i see someone has done there home work. this cat at waco lv sounds like his team been state champs before he he he he he what a fool
  8. oh dang i forgot something.if some of you still have the football program from the wo-s jasper game go open it up and look at the size of the cats in jasper .something was put in one of the papers about how (BIG) jasper is ,one of the biggest if not the biggest in 3A football. maybe van wade at your paper can find what paper it was in.
  9. OH come on now what it sounds like to me is that this waco team could beat giddings if thay played now is this what you guys are saying------BULL.its not how BIG and FAST you are who cares its (HOW BIG A HEART ) you have.the wo-s coaches know all this and so do the kids if not thay will be told today then we will see if the kids get sick and go hide are go home to mother.this kind of stuff is not (NEW) for the kids in orange every friday night the past 11 weeks thats all thay have seen. as for the running backs at waco i am sure the kids are good one i am just sorry the kids in west orange have not see NO GOOD BACKS this year what a shame. PS sorry for the spelling now i am getting excited and its only monday
  10. what has been told me by other posters a ton of there points have come on turnovers
  12. i am going to ask this one more time.IS WACO THAT MUCH BETTER THAN GIDDINGS. if this is the case the sports writter have messed up big time
  13. friday night wo-s came over and played THE BEST TEAM IN 3A IN THE (STATE OF TEXAS)it was a war toe to toe all night long.giddings kids are a super bunch of kids and let me tell you somethings you dont get to be #1 becouse of your looks. giddings has it all size ,speed and thay show it all night and the YOUNG kids from wo-s did not lay down to them as thay will not lay down to WACO LA VEGA PS more to come later lol
  14. wo-s will not go run in hide becouse thay are playing a *BIG FAST BAD) Waco La VEGA football team. the west orange-stark coahers will do there best this coming week to get the young kids ready the best thay can for this game.se texas has been very very BLESSED to have SUPER COACHES this is why i for one can say i am very proud to come from S E TEXAS and a fan of all the teams and you can take that to the bank.i as a fan of west orange-stark football for a long time wish to THANK ALL OF YOU for your support over the years .i try and make all the playoff when other teams from the triangle are playing i will yell my guts out with to support you guys. PS more to come later lol
  15. hay my friends in kirbyville .china spring does not know what will hit them play kirbyville football and place the sign at the road side that says DEAD END
  16. now i am lost big time. is the waco team the best in state is that what the dudes are saying on the other sites ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lord help us all.and to my friends at kirbyville we have room in the boat for you guys also
  17. if it sounds like i am P off i have just started.the cats around waco way makes it sound like se texas football is a joke
  18. been looking at other sites and it looks like this friday night will be the end of a dream season the mustangs have had this year. i will be the first to say i dont know much about this waco team only from what i read and it looks like all good has the best chance to be the state champs from what i see dont you think.waco has it (ALL) very very fast backs (VERY BIG) D line and (BIG) O line what more can you ask for. its a shame that the mustangs have not played other teams like waco has this year .and in closeing DOSE WACO (WALK ON WATER ALSO) PS sorry for the spelling
  19. My Hats Off To The WO-S Coaching Staff.You Got The Kids Ready For Giddings And The Young Men Did What Thay Had To Do To Win.I Was In Shock When I Saw The Size Of Giddings Very Very Huges Hi School Football Team Scared The (H) Out Of Me lol.Giddings Was Very Very Fast Football Team But The Young Men Steped It Up And Did A Super Job Slowing Down The Speed And The Power Runnung Of Giddings Most Of The Night Job Well Done Young Men.
  20. yong man. i am very lucky to live in southeast, texas becouse its people like yourself and the people in kirbyville that and around you that makes se texas the best place in texas to live AND DANG THE FISHING IS GREAT ALSO. thanks for your support
  21. this was sent to ESPN from a news paper sports writter dont you think.idid not know ESPN followed giddings that much smiles.tell the west orange football team and coaches something new thats all old news
  22. my friends at kirbyville you guys are winners always have played with lots of heart. you guys will WIN your game just play your game and go home with a smile on your face my best to all of you. as for wo-s i am from the old school i love it when you have 2nd and short all night long. when i was at stark back in the good old days we liked the very short pass 6 yrs and that makes it 2nd and short.when you keep doing this type of stuff it opens up alot of other stuff later down the line.the 6yrd stuff DRIVES the DC crazy belive me been there done that
  23. #1 Play Hard Nose Football Like You Never Played Before BE Wild Stick The Silver And Blue Helments On The Numbers Play With (FIRE IN YOUR EYES). #2 Play Ball Control #3 Play LIGHTS OUT DEFENSE. #4 PLAY SMART FOOTBALL
  24. I Dont Care If He Plays Center Are Water Boy (JUST PUT HIM IN) No Matter What Giddings Says HE IS THERE SPARK PLUG . Giddings Is Blowing Smoke (WE) ALL KNOW THIS and GIDDINGS (YOU GUYS) know last year you GOT THE BRAKES and (YOU DID NOT MAKE THEM. lets look at the bad snap from center EASY TD. FOUR DROPED PASSES and the BIG ONE very bad play calling on the one footline WE LOST
  25. lol lol lol play are no play the wo-s staff will be ready and we can take that to the bank. PS dont call bush he is sleeping
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