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Everything posted by skipper

  1. lc-m can play the water boys on this one WIN BIG
  2. i told all of you two watch out 4 vidor this year ,played a tuff team friday and stayed with them as you can see. vidor by 14 are more
  3. i belive bay city has given up alot of points but also have put up alot of points also.this looks like the black cats of old all offence and a so so defence not sure how much thay have given up so far.i will be so dang glad to drop them and play maybe nederland are pn-g like the good old days
  4. my hats off to coach moody and his staff had thire kids up ,job well done .as for wo-s i cant explain just look bad all night long lots of turnovers
  5. rain ending in lettle cypress no lighting broken skies now
  6. i am a wo-s supporter and i am wishing you the best young man and my all good things come your way in life get well fast
  7. i am sure if you walked up two this young man now and asked him how was he feeling he would say he is fine put me in tonight coach but down deep he my not be ready he is a super kid i wish him the best. coach moody has been around the block a few times and seen this with others he has coached so he will make the call i wish him the best
  8. we were at the JV game and were sitting with friends from lc-m and this was brought up more than once belive me.lc-m has a very good chance to make the playoffs this year and i wish them the best but will be hard with out salter.
  9. first off should the bears play salter tonight if he is not ready are up to par.the kid is lc-m bread and butter player thay must have him when dist rolls around dont you think.if the young man plays wo-s will be keying on him all night long he loves two spin out of tackles from what we have seen from him and with a bad leg thats not good. then thire is driver lc-m QB if salter does not play then he must take up the leadership with his running and hes no salter .i dont think lc-m will be able two put the ball in the air alot wo-s cover very very well PS sorry 4 the spelling
  10. sure salter will play BUT this is a non dist game i belive i would take another look at that. lc-m NEEDS slaler bad down the line iin the games that count PS you guys and gals you better bring your ear plugs it dose get loud when the PA system is turned up
  11. Dayton Is Blessed Two Have Coach Stewart He is A Super Class Guy.This Mustang Fan Wishes Him and The Dayton The Best
  12. now thats relly not fair i have seen dayton played but not lc-m so i cant say at this point if dayton is better than the guys over in little cypress yes dayton is picked to win dist only time will tell.
  13. this should be a better game than last year i do belive with the leadership lc-m has in thire SR and in front of the home people and to show them that thay are better than what thay showed last week going to be a great hi school football game. as for wo-s hooks and his coaching staff have thire work cut out for them belive me.last week was a super win for the mustangs but this week it will not be so easy agnest a very well coached team as lc-m has this year we all know this.wo-s also has alot to prove some people say thay were lucky agnest dayton NOT SO in no way and moody knows this. PS again sorry 4 my spelling see u at the game best two both teams
  14. dang this is getting hot oh wow turn up the A/C up and lets cool down come on guys lets all of us show we are good sports lets play this game on the field friday night.
  15. it would be super put in a couple plays and it might just happen
  16. ok one more time lc-m has a very fine football team and have alot of sr leadership on this team.the bears are comming off a tuff loss last week and the coaching staff at lc-m will be putting that behind them and get the kids ready for wo-s this friday.the lc-m fans are ready for thire bears to show what thay can do and get on the winning track friday night agnest wo-s.as for wo-s thay MUST play 4qt of football and dan hooks and his staff will be working on this i am sure knowing dan. the best two both teams PS sorry 4 the spelling
  17. this shou;d be a good one two watch as 4 me i am getting 2 the park early so i dont haft to park hafe way to the interstate lol have fun good luck lc-m and wo-s
  18. dang the mustang might not even haft to put the ball in the air no more if that works out wow thats scary
  19. garrett brothers in the same backfield watch out new name thunder and lighting
  20. lc-m has a very fine football team but friday night thay got the turnover bug and it showed on the scoreboard. this comming friday night lc-m are wo-s stark can not let it happen are it will be a long night .the fans at lc-m have waited a LONG TIME two get the mustangs and thay fell that it will be friday night in front of the home people and show everyone that bojo is back on track
  21. from what has been told us lc-m made lots of mistakes friday night moody will work on that monday. all of you that know football should know this just becouse the mustangs won and the bears lost dose not make the mustangs fav in this game in little cypress friday night. lc-m has a ton of sr on thire team this year and a very good back and a qb that can pass. should do one heck of a game and fun one to watch
  22. i would love to see these two kids in the same backfield at WO-S and both go over a 1,000 yards never has been done at west orange stark i dont belive.just put in a few more plays in the play book it might happen
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