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Everything posted by skipper

  1. LOVE the TX-LA match ups the texas boys can strutt thire stuff and them boys from LA would love to show how good thay are also love to see more texas teams play teams from lake charles and sulpher
  2. dang looks like you guys thire in orange county are in a rebuilding year BC-WO-OF hummmmmmmmmmmm best of luck two you guys in the years to come
  3. yep i agree the birds at bridge city are young BUT thay did look good in spots agnest a bigger LC-M team.the cards have alot of work in front of them but i do belive the coaching staff was pleased at what thay saw at this point.and will build on this and will get better as time goes bye. BC and WO-S are two teams that are very young going in to this season and both will take thire lumps this year BUT watch out down the road
  4. i will take deweyville in a wild one should be a good game
  5. i will let you know aug 31st after the dayton shoot out are maybe this saturday after the vider head knocker like to see how the young guys at west orange can handel a team with the size of vidor
  6. bless his heart all my prayers will be with him and his familey GOD BLESS
  7. not trying to start YOU KNOW WHAT from what we saw lastnight in bridge city with president driver was he was on target with most of his passing.BUT also saw that bridge city has a ton of work to do still at this point but will get better as time goes on we are sure( PS ) LC-M beat WO-S thay better do better than thay did lastnight are its going to be a long night in bear country
  8. hay guys i love all the post and the 911 thing oh wow GOD BLESS AMERICA
  9. VERY VERY VERY NICE POST I LOVE IT se texas football from two super teams
  10. think back on this one ok what was the best game ever between you guys WHAT YEAR i know its going to be tuff thay are all good games
  11. YES---------------------- Chapel hill i do belive went in with a 3-7 record years ago and went on to win state not sure of the year someone might look it up PS i dont belive i am dreaming this up
  12. i said i did not like the long drive now i am thinking i dont relly want to go over the rainbow bridge lol lol
  13. thire you go, joe i did see he could do it all PS as you can see i am the old man on the board lol
  14. what kid did you want to see play but never got the chance as for me i wanted to see earl cambell his sr year at tyler
  15. i agree with that that was a good post
  16. when and ware do thay play
  17. i agree with you purple4 ever its a good thing for both schools and we proud of both of you.but i am still hopeing to see the old times back i always liked playing at PN-G and Nederland i know its not like playing in houston but i will take the parks in PN-G and Nederland and West orange enyday NO PLACE LIKE HOME dont you agree my friend
  18. you guys might go 5-4 this year i do think you have a open date are you just might win dist who knows this year might be like last crazy
  19. why keep bay city drop them and play PN-G are NEDERLAND just like the good old daysi for one would like to se it happen PS i dont like the long drive
  20. thanks i hope so love to see this happen
  21. thanks your a pal
  22. oh how we wish we could but dang the other school up north keep getting the kids so at this time we got to suffer in 3A.this brings up a point i would like to ask. how in the world is it that you live in the city of orange and still go up north and go to school hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm .i am not trying to be a butt about this but it was asked of me last year and i said i dont how it can happen I AM SURE IT DONT dont you. wo-s has lost alot of kids from thire school no jobs around to keep them is what i have been told and lord thats a shame
  23. over the years and years vidor has always had a big team the OL and DL looked like lumberjacks . vidor might be the dark horse this year maybe
  24. NO WAY dang whats in the gator aid at LCM
  25. dang you let the cat out of the bag shame on you lol lol
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