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Everything posted by skipper

  1. i agree with you  navasota runs the same O as dose wo-s so jasper has seen wo-s and did a great job hope thay can bring presser  with arms up GO JASPER
  2. i am not saying navasota is a bad team look what thay are ranked #1 in the state in 3a.jasper dose have a very good coaching staff same as you guys if jasper cant stop the passing game it will be a blow out hope to see you  in dallas close to christmas
  3. :)the best of luck to your son in the comming years from a wo-s fan
  4. sorry we can we still have a game next week
  5. 3pm sounds good so i will leave at that time thanks for the reply back
  6. we can talk can talk untell were blue in the face -------------------------------silsbee will win this one big time
  7. IMO if jasper coaches did there homework  i belive thay can stay close in this game .Navasota  pride themself on the passing game with the QB and wide outs.Navasota passing game is outstanding and love to strike  fast and keep presser on other teams with there D. as of this time it dont look like NO ONE has found away to stop there passing game. all of this i am telling you comes from  news papers and watching them on your tube DO YOUR HOMEWORK JASPER
  8. thanks forgot about that
  9. thanks for the reply back
  10. it would be nice if a few of you can drop by the wo-s game  this 6pm game i dont relly think there will be alot of people that can make it alot of people haft to work tell 3 are 5 and that would be pushing it
  11. was he on the jv team at ozen
  12. what time do you play friday
  13. 6pm game time someway i got to find a time to leve orange and beat the houston rush  traffic  what is a good time to leve
  14. we are very proud of occ keep it rolling
  15. after the wo-s silsbee game i told a friend the tigers have what it takes to go very deep in the playoffs maybe a christmas gift thay can bring home to the city of silsbee GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO TIGERS
  16. the west orange stark mustangs football team this year is a very gifted team thay my not be the biggest team in 3a are the fastest but thay find ways to win football games and coach thompson and his coaching staff have done a outstanding job with the kids to get them ready for who every thay play no matter if is a team that has a 10-0 record are just a so so team becouse we all know what can happen if you come out and take any team for granted on a friday night you could lose your pants lol. in1990 and 1988 coach thompson was on the sidelines with coach hooks and i do belive thompson can tell his kids the story on what happned  .being #1 dose not mean your the best just look what happned in 1990&1988
  17. you just dont know how i feel about all of your prayers  the good lord has blessed this sight with some of the best people around  and i am blessed knowing most all of you
  18. this is great news  to a very nice young man  the best to him
  19. kicker dont start  it with the navasota people thay have a hit on me lol thay will tell you in a heart beat thay have the best D in 3a and thay are already putting up the christmas tree  in dallas. and a signed basketball to wo-s team saying better luck next year. i told them to go see a doctor
  20. thank you kicker and all you for the super kind words yes i agree lets talk football may the good lord watch over each and everone of our kids in the playoffs
  21. thank you bigdaddy i just need a pray  i will beat this i have faith  and i am ashame i put up the post about bridge city i must have been drunk  as aggie would say  skip put away the bottle  smiles
  22. i am just trying to shack out the other teams  lol  thanks guys  i alread have my ticket ready to go to dallas with my kids the mustangs
  23. my year has not been good i have prostrate cancer not much more time on this earth
  24. speveto you got a problem with (ME) so you can message me and not tell everyone on here i hurt your feelings  can you dig it you are the only person that trys to start crap with diffrent people on here you have already been kick off this once would you like to try  to get banned agan
  25. i have not missed a mustang game in 35 years  i love my mustangs and after each game i am shaking the kids and coaches hands. i just read what sport writters say thats all . after a blow out like the mustangs had lastnight  just hopeing  thay  come off that cloud 9 and get ready for WC becouse if thay  thay might be in trouble and i never said the mustangs were going to be beat
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