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Everything posted by skipper

  1. just my feelings on the wo-s silsbee game.i feel like the west orange-starks coaches are hopeing that silsbees QB keeps the ball most of the time and i do belive he will becouse he is the spark plug he makes the offence click.the kid is very fast and quick i do belive he will take some very very hard hits in this game and i think he knows this if not he will find out friday night.i am not sure if the tigers have much in the way of a passing game ifnot thay better find one soon and for the fumbles what can i say it happens .i do belive coach bobby and vthe other coaches are working very hard this week to try and fix that problem.i just hope both teams play the best thay can and keep all of us on the edge of out seats BEST to both of you friday
  2. i feel a upset to if i dont get a parking spot close to the gate my leg hurts lol
  3. Kicker You Are A Lifesaver Oh You will Like Silsbees FG Kicker The Kid Is Good
  4. come to think about it i belive thay did been to long ago my old age is getting to me lol
  5. If It Works Dont Mess With It Just Fine Tune It This Is Going To Be A Great Game Between To Good Teams Best Of Luck To Both Of The Teams
  6. Will This Be The First Time The Mustang Faced The Split Back Veer Offence I Know It Will Be This Year.Thinking Back Years Ago In Texas Stadium The Mustangs Ran Into A Team That Ran The veer And WOW Before The Dust Cleared The Mustang Were Down By Alot I Dont Remember The Team Thay Played.
  7. what type of defence do u use agnest the split back veer i do belive that is what silsbee runs . i do belive the tigers had a off night friday it should be one of the best games in the state i dont think wo-s will run wild in this one so the mustangs better be ready to play some hard nose football good luck to both teams friday
  8. turn out the light s on BOJO sorry big guys all good things must come to a end but i do wish you luck
  9. tell us about your teams JV how good are thay
  10. ALL of WO-S coaching staff
  11. LC-M will not have a problem thay should play thire 2nd team friday a easy win 4 the bears
  12. this is going to be ugly thr tigers by 20 are more
  13. people from bridge city tell me thay are the biggest OL in 3A in the state is this true
  14. tell me about silsbee OL people tell me thay are the biggest OL in 3A is this true.
  15. someone just told me that a cold front will be in friday night how cool will it get .
  16. going to orange ,texas to be part of history and hope to see a good hard nose football game and see some old friends. i have been told thire will be lots of coaches thire and some x pro players and get to see ESPN FOX MBC CBS ABC maybe SI also he he never can tell TONIGHT IS A FULL MOON strange things happen
  17. i will take LUFKIN by 14 maybe more -----thank you very much
  18. WOW That Is The Guy I Saw On The Post Office Wall lol lol just kidding
  19. Rumor Has It There Will Be A Few Supries Sitting In The Stands Friday Night People there At The School Are Being Tight Lipped About It Hummmmmmmmmmmm This Just Might Turn Out To Be Something Else.The Stars At Night Are Big And Bright Deep In The Heart Of Mustang Land Friday Night.
  20. i do belive dan will be the first person to tell everyone that ,he is a class person always has and always will be.dan will bend over backwards for his coaching staff ,he has been blessed with some of the BEST and he tell everyone that have asked him .
  21. love to see wo-s play #1. PN-G #2.GILMER #3 WALLER #4. CUERO #5. NEDERLAND. i sure do miss the fan support from the fans thire at PN.G and NEDERLAND
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