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Everything posted by skipper

  1. coldsprings played there hearts out you are top notch in our books here in west orange super season  good luck to your SR.i as a fan can feel your hurt becouse  Wimberley took it to us also  but keep your heads up and be proud at what you have done this year my prayers will be to take the hurt awat GOD BLESS your a winner in our book
  2. it was close last week also but the 2nd hafe was a diffrent story  go coldsprings
  3. i have no clue  about what wo-s will have comming back but what i have seen in there JV looks like another good year in 2012
  4. Super Job With The Kids There At WO-S In His First Year As Head Coach Of The Mustangs Dist Coach Of The Year .
  5. Mike i rellydont care about polls and dont care what people think about me the only person that loves me is my GOD thats true love  he dont care about my spelling and me being a butt at times. we all on here have fun  but like i said in alot of my post  that please GOD watch over all our kids on friday and saturday nights and always tell your familey that you love them becouse we never know if there will be a tomorrow for  atr them  Merry Christmas mike and your familey      skipper
  6. AggiesAreWE ;D  no one likes me becouse of my spelling ::) and a butt at times
  7. at what i saw friday night COLDSPRINGS will have a field day agnest WIMBERLY i dont think the texans can stop what  COLDSPRINGS HAS JMO
  8. yes it is and coldsprings has some of the best around and wo-s dose also never forget to tell you familey how much you love them  we all take ithem for ganted  hopeing thay know how much  just say it to them starting today 112%
  9. did anyone take a picture of the sign i belive the JV boys were holding up i belive thay made it up just after the game was over  on four towels  it read what i could make out----- we will be back thats  :)true mustang sprit
  10. WE ALL HERE THANK YOU for a great season you guys gave us this year my GOD bless you and your famileys agan thanks  WE WILL MISS YOU
  11. it was good to see coach thompson bring about 10 are 11 of his JV players with them last night it did the kids good to be in the mix of such a big game with a outstanding coldsprings team.i do belive and HOPE the kids there at coldspings  WIN IT ALL and this mustang fan is backing you all the way
  12. this game is history  so lets stop talkin trash from you  its oner  WE GOT OUR TAILS KICKED BY I HOPE THE NEW STATE CAMPS  now you and the rest of the mustang backers LINE UP AND SHAKE HANDS before this site is locked
  13. yes we did big daddt two teams with alot of good kids on both sides i wish you kids the best and my GOD KEEP THEM SAFE 
  14. just got home :) imust say this coldsprings is the real deal like i said that before and tonight thay proved it  hopeing cs wins it all thisyear good luck this mustang is behind you all the way to the big dance
  15. coldsprings this might help you relax about this game #1 you have one of the 4 best coaches in 3a SMART MAN #2 you have mabe the best (D) in 3a  no one runs agnest you #3 the last time coldsprings meet wos  your team took it to the mustangs big time #4 you know  you have two of the best running backs in 3a thay can take it to the house at anytime  SO WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT  ( R E L A X)
  16. ONE MORE TIME------------------------------WO-S (IS) THE UNDERDOG in this game with that being said  LETS GET READY TO (RUMBLE)
  17. i am glad you liked it  ;D
  18. oh my friend you just dont know how ready the kids are over at wo-s lets hope for a good game if you have a heart problem bring your pills i am  ;D
  19. spelling  STINKS sorry
  20. these kids take a LOT OF PRIDE in there unit thay love laying people on the ground
  21. IMO i truly belive the wo-s special teams play will be a HUGES factor in this game hoping thay can hang onto the ball  and keep the yellow flags off the field thay are a very exciting buch to watch
  22. IMO i belive  the wo-s special teams play will be a HUGES factor in this game lets just hope thay can hold onto the ball :)
  23. the two young kids monrow and gilbert are just that super good kids both work hard at practice and are good in the class room. coldspring is very lucky to have them.now as for the bc & cs films you know thompson and his staff have them and on the flip side cs has them also. THE CLOCK IS TICKING  ;)
  24. late night hrs in the war room over at wo-s and thay are not playing cards ;D ;D ;D sorry coach i just had to say that your wife said she did not start supper 8pm get to me in the other place
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