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Everything posted by skipper

  1. what teams in 3a top 10 are still playing
  2. if the mustangs have good backing from other schools i hope KOGT can get a picture of all the kids with there school colors on  put them on there web site hint hint gary
  3. soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo TRUE GUNHO.we mustangs should know about that for sure take a look backi am not sure of the (YEARS) the mustangs came into BIG games with the #1 (D) in the STATE and ranked in the top 1o in the country-------------------WE LOST. we lost becouse the coaching staff of this team out smarted  us in a BIG  way lets see what happens friday night BABY ITS GOING TO BE COLD      PS GUNHO  call me
  4. it would be super if one are two kids from our dist  could lead the mustangs out onto the field 8)
  5. CHS96 we have one more game before we start getting ready for state
  6. you guys have fun at your bondfire tomorrow in coldsprings we will be thinking of you  ;)
  7. the X MAN & ICE MAN must get off there blocks in a hurry to stop the (BIG RUNS) by gilbert and monrow belive thats the young mans name no one has stoped them yet
  8. thay had some drop out that would NOT GIVE THE 112% sent them back to playing prutty boys club
  9. the few the proud the mustangs
  10. it looks like the kids and there school are going to show up in force friday this shows all of us the true sprit of SE TEX. got a phone call from a long time friend from PN-G he is bring some players from there and will have there school colors on
  11. GUNHO what time are you leaving for the game and what is the best way to get to the field been to long for me i forgot how lol
  12. my heavens just look at what you got there in coldsprings a VERY ROUNDED FOOTBALL TEAM outstanding backs someone said the BEST (D) in 3a ranks a coach that is very smart been around the block a few times and HAS BEEN TO THE (BIG DANCE)last year.on the other hand the kids at wo-s are a very buch of super kids and with not a new coach  hes been around the block alot if i my say so.its like this the mustangs find themself faceing a very very hungry bunchof coldsprings kids that felt like thay should have won the BIG ONE last year and there out to show everyone that thay can  dang dose that make any sence lol 
  13. coldsprings IS (NOT) the underdogs by no means  WE ALL KNOW THIS
  14. very well put young man
  15. hummmmmmmmmmmmmm well looks like cs supportes dont know all that much about our kids ;)
  16. this mustang fan will be there backing PAM
  17. laying all BS aside we here at west orange stark KNOW what we are going up agnest friday night we KNOW we MUST  find away to STOP are contain two of the best running back we have seen all year.now on the flip side there is your (D) witch is one of the better ones we have seen NOT the BEST but thay do there job well and thay take pride in themself and you can than you DC he has done a great job. now lets me say a few things about wo-s NO on the other hand YOU TELL ME
  18. i just got a phone call from a LCM backer and he told me to look back at the LC-M game and who led them onto the field THAT WAS A SHOCK TO EVERYONE
  20. you know i relly dont know maybe someone in the know can let us know it would be wounderfull to see our kids pull togather
  21. KICKER you see her  she is in hell of a good shape to be 82 red hair  green eyes walkes around her block  three times a week and carrys pepper spray lol
  22. SUPER  please come friday night and where your school colors these kids need your support be a 112% for that night get your friends and lets get LOUD thanks for your support lets show coldsprings  SE TX  sprit this week we ALL can become ONE
  23. i would love to see one player from our dist to be out on the field and lead the mustangs onto the field if coach thompson would allow it to happen
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