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Everything posted by skipper

  1. when bridge city  and orangefield and wo-s tangle my friend its a war no matter how good you  are and you can take that to the bank
  2. dang today is only sunday and it already getting warm in here  :) :) :) lets keep it going i like the pouder puff stuff
  3. lmao D-1 players where did you read that so i can go look, speed well maybe if we can pull some of the JV players up  then you will see speed as you should know wo-s has no speed i am rolling on the floor  TRY AGAN young man :-*
  4. well i do belive coldsprings should not start gilbert  just put him in after you start beating  wo-s like a DRUM ;)
  5. lets NOT TALK past history lets talk about friday and coldsprings beating wo-s like a drum
  6. you got it pal YOU KNOW he is your (GO TO)GUY all any one needs to look at is what he had done in the playoffs
  7. this is a test of the SETX WARNING SYSTEM to west orange stark    GILBERT GILBERT GILBERT is headed your way should hit land by friday around 7pm are so ----20 30 40 50 TD
  8. GILBERT is there (BREAD AND BUTTER) just ask any team that coldsprings has played . in the past history between thse two teams coldspring  scored  very fast on the mustangs with BIG RUNNING PLAYS that killed us the last meeting the two had
  9. so true GAS a true test BUT take a look back at some of the teams the kids there at wo-s have played puts chills up and down you it did me.wo-s has played agnest some very very fast and (LARGE ) teams in the 4a ranks and yes we got beat BUT SIZE and SPEED makes no diffrence to these young kids at wo-s its away of life .
  10. 88 points WOW sounds nice dont it  ;)
  11. both coaching staffs have there hands full starting monday you can take that to the bank. coach thompson and his staff watched GILBERT  very close friday night and watched the (O) line play of coldsprings to me this is the KEY. we here at west orange stark all know that coldspring is a very good football team and NO ONE can take that away from the kids there at coldsprings. ok now on the other hand the coldsprings coaching staff also were watch the same thing saturday with the kids there at wo-s and did NOT see a one man team if you there would go ask one of your coaches i feel sure thay will tell you we saw a very balanced football them in wo-s there not BIG but thay come after you.ok now in closeing IMO only the kids and coaching staff (MUST) find away slow GILBERT down if thats possable the WAR ROOM today yes today is going to be very very besy here at west orange stark PS WE CANT GIVE UP THE fast tds to coldsprings like dan hoos has always said good backs will get there yards but we got to FIND AWAY TO keep them out of the end zone
  12. i will say this for coach thompson he has big shoes to fill yes he dose BUT this guy has been around the block a few times as a coach and one of the best DC in the state and dose have rings on his fingers like dan hooks has so he is not new to this at all  and on top of all this thompson  is a very good friend of the cs coach friends a long time.
  13. what counts is whats up on the score board not the yardage i can tell you about a team in austin that had almost 600 yards of (O) and still lost and the other had over 400 yards this game friday will not be for people with weak hearts  :) ;)
  14. :) :) :) :) :) :) now you see why this old mustang fan is soooooooooooooooo very proud of all our orange county kids and your school
  15. all of you are great and dont forget to where your school colors  GOD BLESS
  16. i do agree wo-s played very sloppy football and this has got to change in a hurry and yes he will be back thank GOD  now we will have our speed back  and a HEAD HUNTER
  17. please where your school colors and thank you
  18. thanks where your school colors please GOD BLESS
  19. as most of you coldsprings fans have seen the mustangs are a very well balanced  team and that one thing you cant take away from these kids
  20. when did you change your name i liked green bay better lol
  21. this is going to be a fun week lol alot of trash talk  and i just love it. coldsprings have you got your  rooms yet there for the big dance if not you better hurry are someone else might take your rooms
  22. OH WOW FUMBLE IN THE END ZONE CS BALL brother thank your lucky stat agan thats how close it was to send you to be playing basketball
  23. now is the time for orange county to come togather i am hopeing to see your kids and fans from vidor ,orangefield ,little cypress and cc come togather as one and help support these kids from west orange stark  and hope other schools in the golden triangle also LETS SHOW OUR PRIDE we know that there will be two kids looking down from heven on this game.the mustangs have there backs to the wall in this game becouse any high school fan know that coldsprings is a very well coached team and some great kids
  24. i will agree with you on cs (D) good yes but there is a little team waiting for them the CLOCK IS TICKING (THE END IS NEAR)
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