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Everything posted by skipper

  1. coach T should be in the refs face about that kid
  2. maybe cs and wos might meet if cs is still in but looking at the game films of the bc and cs game  looks to be a hard road for the green bay packers PS cs was sucking air not a good sign PS i will (NOT) reply back to no one on my post :-X
  3. kicker i am :) with you on that 112%
  4. tyler chapel hill if so are thay relly all that good i am just asking
  5. X wo-s oc might be something to look at he is looking for a HC job  he loves wide open football his mustangs put up alot of points when he was there
  6. he will be ready for the big on at the cowboys house
  7. :'( dont look for him to play friday
  8. i will say it agan NO coldsprings is NOT over rated.goldspings  has one of the best coaching staffs around and a super bunch of kids with lots of pride to me i would like this trend to stop the kids go out on friday night and play hard nose football and to all that say thay have played weak teams the kids cant help this. good luck to one of the best teams in the state now i will shut up
  9. the wos (D) has faced teams this year were BIG FAST CATS and alot of D1 players so like it was said on 3A down low size dose not matter to the wos team and has thay get after you in a heart beat,when the mustangs meet up with nederland that has one of the best (O)  with huges size and speed    good luck to all teams that are still in
  10. put PAM on your schedule next yerar thay are a 5A team thay will have a few spots to feel
  11. ther was a game last year that if you can remember the team thinking friendswood game he had 5 guys on his back on the 10 yard line and carried them in with him for the TD
  12. this is not the first time these two teams have meet is it
  13. no thay are not over rated cs is a good football team .the coach there must be taking nerv pills by now he becouse he has the best RB with a neck injury and that just dont go away in a week belive me BEEN THERE i would not like for this young kid to tell the coach i feel fine let me play
  14. if coldsprings and west orange stark do meet up down the line i will say this coldsprings better hurry and get in shape from what i saw the kids from coldsprings were sucking air and watching the clock.coldsprings is the #3 team in the state and should be in the big dance
  15. i am here in the state of virginia on vacation and i was outsideyellin GO BIG RED and GO MUSTANGS my doughter told me to hush are someone will call the law on me.bridge city has had a outstanding year  and some super kids the city of bridge city and orange are very proud of the kids this mustange fan  is
  16. ;D ;D ;D ok i will stop  i better read the rules no more from me :o :o :o
  17. :o :o i not relly sure about this but maybe some other wos fans cleat it up the mustangs had two of the best to play hight school football super speed and a (D) that was  played light out football just a few names come to mind for the kids there at wos that year was EARL THOMAS and DEON BEASLEY if i am out of bounds with this mustangs tell me
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