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Everything posted by skipper

  1. my GOD watch over both of the kids there at coldsprings
  2. son you must NOT READ my post about wos haveing the best (D) in the state in 3A and this is what happned THAY LOST so thay saying is not the truth all the time and yes please get back to me i shall be waiting  PS good luck to coldsprings and my GOD watch over all our kids
  3. i agree 112% on that GREEN BAY PACKERS
  4. 60-0 oh please wake up wos will take a one point win at this stage of the game and WHO said wos cant be stoped i am sure your not a mustang fan saying this the wos fans will not talk crap on here about how thay are going to beat anyone by 60 points  PS are you from coldsprings lmao
  5. maybe it might just be over for cs we did not see alot from cs (O) are (D) and please STOP WITH (WE) HAD A OFF NIGHT  STUFF.your time is comming when cs will see someone with TRUE SPEED and LIGHTS OUT FOOTBALL both on (O) and (D) count on it
  6. prayers from orange may thay RIP
  7. the end is near for cs but good luck in your next game
  8. hats off to the kids from bc super game we all are proud of you
  9. who cares about there ave  we are looking at cs ave lmao
  10. looks like bc is playing toe to toe with cs to this point are is it that cs has put there subs in lol
  11. just do tigers play smart the 2nd hafe and bring home a win
  12. has cs put up 40 points yet and playing subs
  13. i am shocked  cs has not put up 30 points  wow
  14. thanks
  15. bc score please
  16. :) :) :) :) now thats a tich better now lets see what the D can do
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