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Everything posted by skipper

  1. the mustangs have seen one of the best backs in texas now comes a gb
  2. turnovers will be the big key don't you think
  3. we will bend BUT NOT BRAKE
  4. we will do the same come Friday lights 11 kids on the ball all night watch what I tell you is that FOOT STEPS I HEAR BAM YOU GOT IT
  5. the mustangs must play lights out football put some BIG HITS LIGHTS OUT FOOTBALL ON A RAINEY NIGHT
  6. mustang fans go back in years to the wimberly game the Texans put a shocker on D do you mustangs remember this game upsetting
  7. the mustangs coaching staff will have there hands full trying to figer out how to stop the train but coach t has see all this before and his kids know whats on the line .for them. when wos faced liberty we all were in shock watching this game BUT the kids stool tall and played some big time D. ok now in closeing we saw a very big liberty team that sent the mustang kids saying stop me if you can
  8. #1. wb #2 crosby #3. png #4 bc #5 giddings #6 jasper #7 liberty #8 wos #9 rockdale #10 teque #11 malakoff #12woodville #13 crockett #14 newton #15 everdale #16 pam #17 manvel #18 bellville #19 big sandy #20 Beaumont ledgacy
  9. forgot about there kicking game-------------------they have a poor to fair kicker MIGHT BE A PROBLEM FOR THEM
  10. cant count that high good point gunho
  11. they run a no huddle also
  12. what did I leave out guys and gals
  13. bring them just in case
  14. earl Thomas said when he as a mustang this was a key for him
  15. this is the key to winning this one for the mustangs #1 show no fear to this large team. #2PLAY SMART FOOTBALLL. #3 presser from the corners #4.stuff the middle if you can to stop there runs they are good at because of there size #5.DB got to play SMART HEADS UP FOOTBALL #THIS IS THE BIG ONE (GET OFF YOUR BLOCKS FAST) #7.this team has a history of holding the big kids don't like to be beat in the line ask the ref to Watch the holding #8 LBs watch the qb EYES
  16. NWS is calling for 40% chance of TS Friday night hope it goes around us
  17. this will be a BIG TEST for the kids at wo-s Roberson is GOOD no way around it a outstanding QB and WRs .there OL is BIG BIG NO KIDDING you will say to yourself after seeing them HOLEY COW they love to show off there size you will see it will upset you maybe. ok now they will use there size to open the middle up for the fast RB who who is very hard to bring down in closeing there will be a lot of points put up Friday lets hope our speed will where them down and play lights out mustangs
  18. what was Caldwell record
  19. is it over
  20. kick deep brack down and lay the wood to them
  21. way to go cards
  22. go for it lots can happen on fg
  23. up date please
  24. they are a good team just watched them
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