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Everything posted by skipper

  1. most all of you know alot about the powerhouses in 3A so go ahead and stick out your necks out and vote this is just for fun guys
  2. i agree with most of the posters on here the coldsprings coach barbe is is a very very good coach and i do understand where you all are comming from and i do belive thay have not lost a game and are in the top 10 teams in the state but on the other hand you might  take a look at coach thompson at wo-s he took over the  this program from coach hooks and put in a new type (O) with a almost a complet new coaching staff and with kids getting hurt all season he keep them togather somehow.his mustangs played some of the best teams around friendswood who was rated in the state at that time oh i should have put nederland in first dis champs in 4A and then came giddings who are  still rated in the top 10 in class 4A  so being a mustang fan i will cast my vote for coach thompson IMO PS SORRY FOR THE SPELLING
  3. 8) thanks for the reply
  4. lets see if the sports writter agree with you
  5. wow that sounds super i like :)
  6. i sure wish this game would be played on saturday this is going to be a dog fight  i would love to see this one
  7. someone catch us up on who  is the dist champs in 5a-4a-3a-2a
  8. lets wait tell the gas prices go down  :) we have some VERY GOOD TEAMS here in the GT that might like to put the kids from wo-s on there play list.
  9. what ever happned to the dayton wo-s  that would be a good one and maybe ozan
  10. why cant wo-s get teams from around here to play i for one would love to see teams closer to home
  11. this kid is starting to take contol at a good time we need him to play smart football this will put more presser on the others teams D. jimmy is starting to have faith in his running and that is something we have not relly seen in him this year but watch out he is starting to belive in himself and this is good for himself and his mustang team
  12. can someone please clear the air on the FG that was blocked by silsbee what is the ruleing on that did the young man from silsbee come down with the ball in the end zone and was takening away from him by one of the kids from wo-s is that how it was i could not see it
  13. i will be sitting in the car with the heater going
  14. no matter how we all look at this game its going to be a war  the kids from silsbee are ready ans same goes for the mustangs.ok now turnovers in this game might be the key who will have less the mustangs are on a high comming off the big win of bridge city the kids made the big stops when thay needed to and now thay are starting to belive in themself agan.on the very first play bridge city scored becouse there was no one there to cover the wide out easy 6 points  just like in the oragefield game short high kick to the open spot orangefield made that look easy its just the little things that are hurting the mustangs at this point
  15. did wo-s only have one in the bakfield at that time belive it was little salter correct me on that one gunho
  16. how about bridge citys  D how do thay rate can you help  on it
  17. heck i will give you a better one than that  smiles (1) first down agnest HF at hafetime. IMO the play calling by the OC  (STINKS) this one sticks out in my old mind 3 down and less than a inc  the OC calls for a time out and opens his play book lets see here this play just might work FG time and missed it not to smart becouse lindsey was haveing a good game .
  18. sure thay are and the pope is going to be at this game    smiles
  19. i dont  belive a word you say lol  and smiles that not what thay are saying on 3a down low
  20. sorry  sorry sorry guys not been a good day and  i did not mean it when i said no class that shows you that i have no class by my reply sorry agan
  21. very good now i feel better thanks thats all i was asking thanks agan
  22. i was waiting for a smart ass remark and i see i got it no class  and hell why should i go to  wo-s practice i have no reason to be there  :o
  23. can someone that knows-----------can you give us mustangs fans a up date on who will not  play friday night for wo-s 
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