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Everything posted by skipper

  1. this is not going to be all that easy on picks this week
  2. who knows we might be the youngest team in the history of wo-s to win state with frs and soph lmao .just what is your problem with wo-s these kids work as hard as everyone dose but for some strange reason  thay win  can you figer that one out
  3. yes coach mark foremen did retire he has paid his dues and what a wounderfull man he is
  4. wo-s is blessed to have a DC like the one thay got now he is one of the better ones around and as for coach foreman i am not to sure now if he will ever see the south forty agan you say the silver and blue still runs in his vains i dont belive that he was asked by alot of kids to please stay and you see what happned i have alway  enjoyed being around toby super good guy  and has a super father ontop of that. some of you relly know the true reason for leaving wo-s the kids loved him  dont you agree i wish him the best WOSgrad are aggie if this post is out of line delet it thanks
  5. :) :)  i feel thay will i just expect to much and when i dont get it i get steamed up lol YES thay will be fine
  6. maybe just a tich i hated to see coach crouch leave he is a very smart man just look what he has done with the lc-m program IMO
  7. what has happned to wo-s passing D  the mustangs have tons of speed at the corners but still getting beat on the long passing to the life of me i cant understand why this has happned IMO this is the sore spot that NEEDS alot of work
  8. TD do you think after coach thompson leaves will coach foreman put his name in the hat agan . there was a lot of names as the SUPT told me that wanted this job very bad not only coaches in texas but across this great country of ours.wo-s has a few people in there coaching staff that would fit in when coach thompson packs it up when he is ready and i hope no time soon  ;). ok now IMO coach foreman should have stayed no matter what there is more to all of this story that we will ever know :-X
  9. i feel sure silsbee will be ready for menard he is the KEY and everyone around knows this by now
  10. i just might be there if i can find a parking place i will haft to leave the house by 3pm this should be a sell out standing room only
  11. no kicker :) its was about the kids that are hurt and will not be able to play maybe only lindsey will might be 100% we will see
  12. i would have said the mustangs would have a say so in this BUT i do belive the partys over at wo-s (5) key players out and relly dont know if thay will see another game only lindsey might be back IMO , bridge city and silsbee are going to war friday best of luck to both teams and my the good lord watch over the kids
  13. :(  this is very bad news
  14. ok i better shut up  :D
  15. good reply back kicker
  16. this is to all wo-s football fans that make most all there games let me know if you see any coach go over to the kids and show them LOVE FOR A JOB WELL DONE the kids miss this on friday nights i remember coach mark foreman going out to meet the kids and showing his love to them for a job well done  before thay hit the sidelines PS no excitement by the coaches :( :( :( :(
  17. :( :( down deep i feel like the mustangs will win agnest  orangefield BUT there is still trouble in mustange land i just cant to the life of me figer this out. alot of people on here have said that wo-s is not playing as a team like thay should and others are putting the finger on the OC play calling this all might be true the scary thing is that the mustangs are running out of time to get all this togather. to the life of me i cant understand WHY our little QB will not take off upfield on the roll out when his rec is coverd by two guys he can run for 20 are more yards and use the sideline if he see that he is going to be blasterd just step out of bounds .silsbee had a QB last year that did that very well and got big yardage now i will shut the hell up had to get that off my chest sorry guys
  18. AMAN to that venom if you were at the game agnest giddings and watched the kids on the sidelines that did not like to hold hands on the kickoffs THERE IS A PROBLEM in the mustang camp belive me these kids need to get it togather agan and start playing togather agan it even showed up in the kirbyville game there is no more 112% with the mustangs
  19. give me the OC playbook i need to tear out some pages  >:( there is NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excitement no more on the mustangs sidelines the kids dont even get pat on the back no more after thay make a good play this must change in a hurry
  20. this could well be the upset of the week
  21. first off my hats off to the HF coaching staff getting there kids ready for this game the kids from HF did a outstanding job played with alot of heart and pride.now then  let me add this that the snap over the punters head was a (SMART) coaching move  it was planned that way guys.early in this game wo-s lost ther key  linebacker out for all the game that to me was a BIG blow to the mustangs  chain gang thay never looked the same after he went out. now lets talk about lindsey he had NO place to run in the middle most of the night then someone up stairs in the press woke up hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm maybe he will do better on the sweep and you saw what happned it WORKED.ok  now in closeing i do agree with you that a chang (MUST) be made in the backfield i dont think it will hurt at all .PS all of you there did you see after interceped the young QB went to the sideline and the OC did not even come over to talk with this young kid  just let him stand there and say anything to him THIS IS SUPER BAD  SORRY FOR THE SPELLING
  22. if silsbee coaching staff did there homework this will not be a close game at all IMO
  23. this might be hard to belive but after lastnight watching the JV play i would haft to agree with some of the people that have kids playing for wo-s JV this group of kids might be the biggest and fastes team the mustangs have had in a long time
  24. #1. vidor #2. anahuac #3. WB #4. pam #5. dayton #6. crosby #7. BH #8. central #9. livingston #10. lumberton #11. jasper #12. wo-s #13. BC #14. silsbee #15. coldsprings #16. huffman #17. EC #18. kountze #19. newton #20. san augustina #21 .lovelady #22. evadale #23 . chester #24. houston st pius #25. beaumount legacy
  25. kicker when you were playing at wo-s did you where leg weights  on your legs walking around the reason i asked was becouse back in the 60s when i was at LSHS coach ted jefferies  made us use leg weights during school hrs took them off at practice  sure helped  to build up the legs and our speed i also used 8 pounds of weights during track practice
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