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Everything posted by skipper

  1. OMG NO  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
  2. get well soon coach barby PRAYERS from west orange stark
  3.   :'( ing agan. good luck to our friends in  FW
  4.  :'(   tonight this young man shell be in my prayers. tonight in west orange i will spred the word and i feel sure he will get lots of prayers from the fans in west orange GOD BLESS YOU SON
  5. all this week i tryed to find comford  with in my soul but its hard untell i found this one song done by elvis presley called your never walk alone.  the first thing i thought about was not myself but the garrett familey and the west orange stark football team ,now i feel so much better after hearing this song. if you know it the words will ease your heart
  6. every time you as a mother are father turn and say I LOVE YOU (GOD) SMILES,and i can see from the return replays GOD has a big smile.  PS yes if we could see the gates of heaven now there is a sign that says welome home REGGIE I ( LOVE YOU )
  8. love to see if the city of west orange cam re name the street that runs in front of the school  to riggie garrett ave
  9. TEAR DROPS AGAN (SORRY I CANT HELP IT)  when i see the LOVE for this young kid comming in from all over S E TEXAS . GOD I LOVE ALL OF YOU
  10. #1. La Porte  #2. west brook  #3. dayton #4. crosby #5. central  #6 livington #7. nederland  #8. lumberton #9. harden #10. anahuac  #11. kirbyville  #12. newton  #13. East Chambers #14.PAM #15.kelly  #16Hardin Jefferson  #17silsbee #18. bridge city  #19. deweyville # 20. evadale
  11. :'( :'( :'( :'( tears flow as i try to put this into words. riggie garrett,has brought this country closer to the familey that has kids playing sports not only football but other sports also.the words i LOVE YOU now will be used more and more thank GOD for that . we as west orange stark familey have been very very blessed to have had reggie such a short time ,but he will ALWAYS be in our hearts and prayers. i wish to thank everyone  for there prayers for reggie and his familey thay are very blessed to have so many people all over this country  that have sent prayers  :'( :'( riggie we love you and NEVER FORGET YOU,now i have another one that i can pray to at night :'( :'( :'( :'(. PS like it was told to me lastnight at chuch the mustangs will have the (12th) kid in the backfield but we cant see him but he will be there
  12. this is so lovely --thank you and hope more  read it and thank you for it
  13. :'( :'( :'( :'( that would be wounderfull  my lord i am crying like a baby
  14. last night the gates of haven were opened for one of GODS angle reggie garrett and GOD took his little hand and led him into the kingdom.no words on this earth can express how i feel the tears will not stop ,my prayers are with mr and mrs garrett and the prayers will not stop ,he will be in my prayers from now on. GOD BLESS YOU REGGIE tonight i will go look into darkness and find the brigest star in the sky and knowing its him with his tender smile looking down on us and praying for us all PS sorry for the spelling  my key board is coved with tears
  15. i do belive he is ready,and hooks will let him do it friday night.after he makes his first XP he will jump for joy I KNOW HE CAN DO IT BEEN WATCHING HIM (GOOD LUCK YOUNG MAN )we all are pulling for you
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