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Everything posted by skipper

  1. i am pleased that you know your OL, most on here dont even know there names what a shame. i will be upfront with you i dont know myself SHAME ON ME
  2. we all  talk about the  backs and QBs ,lets talk about the kids that make the backs look good
  3. maybe hooks could find a place for earl thomas
  4. being a wo-s fan, for starters i would like to see kevin smith are deon b two work with the CB s
  5. this is not a  very good post please delet  thanks  skip
  6. if there was a coaching opening on your staff,what  X player from years past would you like to see come and coach your kids
  7. i see aggie is feeling better ;D.
  8. hooks has used them before and he still won ;D
  9. ??? :o heck i was looking forward in seeing the NFL refs out there some needed the extra money lmto.heck lets just dont use any at all how about that
  10. that was a tuff one to lose i AGREE.that game was one of the (MOST EXCITING) games that the fans from both side saw in a long time , two very good teams getting after it. and on a closeing note the hitting that night was super ,both teams relly got after it and i do agree it was a good call by the OC who ever he was
  11. thanks kicker yes it was off way off see this is what happens when you get as old as me.oh and by the way the picture your dad has in his office what year was that taken
  12. keep u on the edge of your seat lol
  13. my brother took me to one of the ganders game way way way back and there fight song is super smiles. i would like to play gilmer and beat them before i go 6ft under
  14. WOSgrad, those were some super games that will stick out in the history books at wo-s. cant remember the year but we were behind in the playoffs agnest jasper, and i belive our OC at the time was berry norton  not sure about it. he called a middle screen to adrean steen and we won with  with very little time left it was a outstanding call.    PS two all of you that have posted on this  thanks
  15. how many times has your team been down with a min to play and came back to win, agnest who
  16. he is still in my prayers  ,he will beat this he is a tuff cookie
  17. lmto on that one.well we can look back over the past years and we can see hooks has always had his way with them.
  18. ;D.well ok u talked me into it lol. first off let me say this kirbyville lost (TWO) heart brakers last year and i almost know how the kids and the fans there feel.this is a new year and both teams lost some key players BUT both have some dang good one  back and you can take that to the bank. i dont like to look back  but this one time i will. wo-s came into the game with kirbyville as the fav in that game BUT the cats  never never let up on the kids at west orange ,thay played them toe to toe all night long  and this is what i expect agan this year.  i better keep it to myself what i think the score will be are being close to it lol.
  19. wo-s dose play kirbyville in  kirbyville  if so what chapter will thay use lol  and yes hooks uses houston
  20. IF YOUR NOT A COACH ,do this for me so i can print it out and look at it at the end of the season.give me your #1 team in class 5A - 4A -3A -2A just one team no more than one
  21. you do play at kirbyville this year not at west orange
  23. i must say this was very good reading thank you for that/ i feel sure that most of us that have read your post will agree
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