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Everything posted by skipper

  1. :) :) :) have a good week TD
  2. sorry TD, been drinking agan  started at sunrise lol    ---------------------- TURF (NOT) tuff
  3. whatever the west coast look is lol
  4. NOT SURE about this,you might ask the TOP MAN  COOP. foreman is bringing the west coast look  to wo-s
  5. off and on most of the year in 2009, thay had to play alot of JV players ask coop he knows
  6. what comes first money for tuff are money for edecation (NO TUFF AT WEST ORANGE STARK ) kids come first.
  7. hay now those are two good friends of mine but if you hing around to long thay make you sick ;)
  8. tuff is just a wast of tax payers money.the mustangs win on grass are tuff makes no diffrence to  them ,coach hooks and his staff  dont care just ask one of them let that money go to the kids edecation dont you agree
  9. how did you find that out :o.
  10. no one saying enything :o
  11. the talk now is that newton is being setup and he cant see it .this is all i am going to say about this, but think about it, if it dont work out  he is history
  12. you guys are loaded to the hilt.this should be your year with all the SR leadership you got this year,you might not win dist but i do feel you will be in the playoffs.
  13. thanks you guys are loaded this year
  14. thanks.i would like just the ones around close NOT state wide
  15. thanks for the PM.so west brook jv was the only one that beat wo-s jv hummmmmmmm i thought thay lost two ::)
  16. after the heart brake last year i AGREE  with you speed .
  17. kicker,i am not sure why that happned lol.the talk here in austin he will go to tamper bay-are the bengals are even to miami.ESPN are the pros at all this so lets just lay back and watch lol what happens ,the buzz here on  campus is  HE DONT CARE where he plays as long as he can get alot of playing time his rookie year
  18. kirbyville, will take it all this year
  19. speed , i wish you guys the best this year and i feel like so meny other mustang fans do this will be a knock down drag out hummmmmmmmmmmmmm i took that saying out of dan hooks book lol take care 
  20. :o :o :o WOW KICKER, that is what kevin smith  said  hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm but it will never happen
  21. poor west orange,i can see it now mustangs record 1-9 i feel sorry for them
  22. Bengals are Miami will get earl in the first round. the bengals are hurting thay need someone like him
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