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Everything posted by skipper

  1. dang i feel left out ;D ;D ;D ;D.i can see now its going to be a fun year
  2. welcome back speveto. how was thye honeymoon. did jerry jones come to the wedding are was he trying to find a replacement for his cheerleaders, u took the best one  lol
  3. SMILES-------------------  just getting ready if we get beat by silsbee    JUST KIDDING ;D
  4. where did you get the the 19 starters from aggie
  5. well hooks  says  he must rebuild so i will stick to what he said
  6. i am in shock,why dose  wo-s play  teams like this when its a rebuilding  year for them
  7. has dan hooks ever coached a all star game
  8. ok let me try it this way.some of the kids that were at wo-s at one time and now play at lc-m  some of them  are kin folks are very good friends , sounds like a puzzle  lol
  9. story has it that there are some kids that are kin folks and talk to much not relly sure of this ,but think about it
  10. wo-s will have 8  back  on both sides not two shabby
  11. no worrie about the guys over at orange,from what i was told thay are in are building year.i do belive lc-m will be the top team in orange county this year
  12. well thay should be at the start of the season. but watch out after that it will not be a cake walk are will it
  13. ;D ;D ;D .coach thompson said this is the most kids he has had in the weight room in a LONG TIME. all you try and stay dry lol
  14. coop, you need to run by and see what coach T has in his weight room ,you will be  :o :o :o :o. coach thompson says it looks alot like a little NFL go see
  15. dose silsbee and jasper come to west orange this year
  16. maybe wo-s can hook up with vidor.in the years past  when these two get togather its always a dog fight to the end.
  17. what dose the OU have in mind for franks,he is not that big of a kid. well maybe use his speed on kickoffs what do you think
  18. LET ME TRY THIS AGAN .scooter where do you call home
  19. whwew do u call home scooter
  20. glad to see you back scooter
  21. that would be super if he dose go to the texans very close to home.JERRY JONES you better start thinking how to get ET lol just kidding
  22. wo-s comes to kirbyville this year what a game it will be.
  23. kicker ,i think now he will go to the draft , wade of the cowboys sure wish he had a shot at getting him lol. if that would happen that would make three guys from orange to have played for the cowboys  not to bad. but i do belive he will wind up in houston maybe
  24. i for one wish him the best
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