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Everything posted by skipper

  1. ok , is the flu bug going around there in silsbee
  2. yes the QB at lc-m is a sr
  3. why friday aggie,today is as good as friday just dont make sence
  4. IF jasper plays liked thay did agnest gilmer and wo-s i will thake jasper.silsbee has a good QB lets see if he will make this a close one
  5. thanks all for the infoe
  6. WOW, so its all about $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ with the city of orange. i have a friend that lives in LC he and his familey are putting there home up for sale.thay have lived in lc for 25 years and were happy and have two sons that play football in the jr high program and love the coaches ,what a shame. the best of luck to the bears tonight
  7. is LC-M school now in the city limits of orange ,are maybe blocked off.it will not be long till all lc might be taken in by orange thay need the tax dollers lol
  8. aggie, let me put it to u this way.YOU were not at this game if you were u did not see what alot of people did. what dan hooks said in his statement was all true, jasper had it togather and the mustangs were not. as far as defence goes the little kid from west orange did well agnest jasper BIG D. the kid carried a few BIG kids about 5 yards every time he got the ball and that was not much. ALL THE PRESSER that jasper put on garrett was from outside ,thats the way it was all night NO BIG linemen never got to him. i will not reply back to this eny more its history its over its in the books we LOST, AGGIE BE READY THIS COMING THIS OCT
  9. now with the 235 pound back maybe running out of the power I just might be the ticket we should test it out on brookshire royal lol lol just kidding guys
  10. mudcat,you got it yes thay will and i am taking that to the bank
  11. foreman is very excited about the mustangs JV team ,and if enyone has seen them play then you will understand why.as dan hooks has said been a long time since he has seen this type of JV at wo-s
  12. let me put my 2cents in and then i will shut up.west orange stark has played class teams this year no push overs and that is the way hooks likes it.at this point the mustangs are not like the teams from the past years BUT THERE IS A REASON BEHIND THIS. #1 a new OC in toby foreman , he trying very hard to get all his kids on the same page and learn his new offense and it will come around soon belive me.#2 a new QB with lots skills and is struggling as we all at wo-s can see and its becouse of the presser that other teams have put on this kid, but that will change also. #3 THIS OL of west oange is a very young bunch of kids maybe only three are four SR on it and still tryinh hard to learn the new offense that foreman is trying to put in place and that will come around soon i hope . yes we lost last week to a very good jasper football team ,its history now no looking back still lots of football ahead of them. in closeing my hats off to foreman he is a keeper and still very young and smart also.the mustangs have big play makers on there team and it will come around also bye bye
  13. :'( :'( :'( :'(oh yes i am BUT I FEEL A CHANGE CONNING ON smiles .alot of mustang fans are not crying just :-[ on the play of the stangs, whats the old saying ( CANT WIN THEM ALL ) life must go on now and coach hooks has alot of soul searching to do.this is not the first time the mustangs have been in this spot ,i think 20 pluse years ago are was it 30
  14. KV (BIG) good luck to both
  15. i just cant see no one beating jasper at this point .carthage, is haveing trouble also and not playing that good , thay are very young also and trying to get there BIG D where thay should be.i hope jasper puts it to them becouse jasper has shown thay can play with the best dont u think
  16. this is strange,jasper takes the #1 team to the limits and beats the #3 team in the state and only gets 5 votes. from what we saw in jasper friday the jasper team has it togather and playing good football.when thay beat carthage maybe then dont u think aggie
  17. i would love to see OF in the playoffs this year and i think you guy have been working hard and its starting to pay off ,,keep up the good work
  18. aggie, see you soon PS glad you did not see the game and please dont tell me you saw it on fielm lol this is old news if the truth was known all the kids had the flu running 101 temp what date is it now aggie i forgot
  19. 3 diffrent times jasper was rideing franks and roberts back did you see that,now come on get real. jasper is a good team i grant you that and should make the playoffs, how deep you will go who knows. as for hooks working the officals not a new thing at all ,oh by the way did you see all the chop blocks no did not think so
  20. 33,let me tell you this jasper played there hearts out and played hard nose football friday night my hats off to the kids and smart coaching there in jasper .this was a good win for the kids there in jasper just enjoy it and go on to your next game and win it and best of luck to them the rest of the year.there are a few things that do stick out about you 33, that you might clear up for me and a few more on here.WHERE were you friday night surley not at this game in jasper we can see this,i said something about you in one of the post and you got PO about it. let me tell you this when wo-s played a very good KV football team two weeks ago wo-s and i will be the first to tell you the mustangs got lucky and all the mustangs fans and KV fans know it.the mustangs played very very poor in that game also .even the KV fans will tell you this 33.i might have missed some of the better jasper posters on this ,BUT i never saw enyone from jasper (SAY) yes the kids at wo-s shot themself in the foot time and time agan. in closeing i will say it agan jasper did a super job and won thats what it is all about PS go to some of the jasper games only 5 bucks and thank you coach brooks for the messages and yes its sad. one other thing 33, stop pointing fingers at some of us if you dont know what your talking about
  21. this has been fun now lets go onto next weeks games
  22. lol lol : : :
  23. : : lol that was not even the play that was called by foreman . now then lets talk about jaspers presser from there big D. (NO PRESSER) from the middle at all all came from one (KID) from the corner.the little 42 had no problem when thay gave him the ball
  24. YES COOP, that was one gift the other was when wo-s had 2nd and a inch on the one foot line and shot themself in the foot NO TD very sad ,but that will stop after i talk with toby this week
  25. poor coop. if the mustangs keep playing like thay did friday he will start loseing his hair ;D ;D ;D. sit back and relax my friend its going to get better just watch and see
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